Chapter 1421
In Mo Chou's view, let's not talk about whether Chu Mo can ascend the Great Treasure. cloud mansion.

She felt that even if she was a woman in a boudoir, she could understand these things, but Yun Jingyan couldn't understand them.She had been by Yun Jingyan's side for many years and knew his temperament, so she swallowed the words that came to her lips.

She knew that even if she said it at this time, Yun Jingyan might not remember her well, or Yun Jingyan would have scolded her a few times, saying that she was ignorant.

After Yunyan lifted the foot restraint order, she just felt a big sigh of relief. For more than a year, she was locked in the small courtyard every day, and she didn't even know what happened outside.

But even so, she vaguely knew that the Yunfu had changed to another world.

Su Qiaohui died, and Mo Chou became the head mistress of Yunfu.Yun Yan married Ming Wang Chu Mo, Yun Zheng married Ye Wuchen, and Yun Qian, whom she despised the most, also married the eldest son of Chu Palace.

There were many strange feelings in her heart for a while, especially when she saw Mo Chou walking in in a dark green dress with pleated pleats, she felt that the whole world was illusory.

And after more than a year, her temperament has also changed a lot. Her temper, which was a little irritable at first, was much gentler, but it was more cruel than before. She still feels that she didn't get Yun Qian out that day. She was too kind to die. After Yun Qian hit a rock, she should have beaten Yun Qian to death with a hammer!
As soon as Mo Chou saw Yun Yan's stern eyes, she already hated it, but she just said indifferently: "Yan'er has lifted the foot restraint order, and you can't do things willfully in the future. Your father is the one who will marry you. To be a noble concubine in the Ming Palace, the rules in the Ming Palace are no better than in the Yun Palace, and there are two older sisters under you, no matter what, you have to be more prudent, and look like a housewife."

Yun Yan responded lightly: "Mother, don't worry."

Although she was a little surprised when she heard Mo Chou's words, she felt that this was also very good. Although she might have to suffer a little, she was married into the palace after all, which was enough for her.

Seeing Yun Yan's appearance, Mo Chou's eyes deepened, but she only gave a few more instructions before leaving.

After Mochou returned to her room, Shu Yue whispered beside her: "Madam, I always feel that Miss San might cause trouble if she comes out like this."

Mo Chou sat there and pondered for a while, then said: "This is the master's intention, and I have no power to influence anything."

Shu Yue sighed softly when she heard the words, and said: "My wife is going to take the third young lady to find the concubine Shizi tomorrow. This servant feels that although the master arranged this matter, it is still a bit inappropriate."

"Oh?" Mo Chou asked, "What's wrong?"

Shu Yue has always been a thoughtful person, but she is loyal to Mo Chou.

Shu Yue said slowly: "Miss, think about it, the young lady did such a scandal in Ming Wang's mansion, Ming Wang didn't abandon her because he considered a lot of things. This time, there are many reasons to invite the master to the mansion." Thinking about it, the slaves don't quite understand the thoughts of the masters, but they feel that the matter of the eldest lady is really not a good thing."

"Go on, I'm listening." Mo Chou looked at Shu Yue and said.

(End of this chapter)

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