Chapter 1432 Not to be influenced
"Enough!" Chu Mo said coldly: "There are many ways to apologize, and this king does not need this form of apology."

Yun Qian heard a hint of urgency in her words, and she said in a low voice: "My lord is right, my father is afraid that my lord will refuse, so I let me do this. I also ask my lord to take it for the sake of Prince Chu's mansion, Take my third sister into the house."

Hearing this, Chu Mo chuckled and said, "For the sake of Prince Chu's mansion? Is it for the sake of your son?"

"Your Majesty doesn't know about this matter, if he knew, he might have to scold me." Yun Qian lowered her head slightly and said, "As a real sister, I take it upon myself to hope that all the older sisters are well. "

Chu Mo's eyes became colder and he said: "The concubine Shi Zi in my memory doesn't seem to be someone who is easy to be influenced by others. You and Yun Yan didn't get along in the first place. When you go back and tell Yun Xiang, you will be fine." Saying that his kindness is appreciated by the king!"

After he finished speaking, he wanted to walk away, but after walking a few steps, he looked back at Yun Qian and said, "If Shi Zifei is free, you are welcome to come to the mansion as a guest, but don't come to Ming Wang's mansion as a lobbyist again. "

Yun Qian sighed softly and said, "Thank you, my lord."

Chu Mo glanced at her and said: "I heard that the crown prince is very fond of the crown prince, and Yun Xiang's favorite is Yun Yan, but the relationship between the crown prince and Yun Yan has always been very bad. Now the king just wants to know One thing, the prince doesn't help me, does it have something to do with the prince's concubine?"

Yunqian saw that his eyes were extremely sharp, as if he wanted to see into her heart, she said softly: "Yunqian is just a woman in a boudoir, she doesn't understand court affairs at all, the son's character is very clear, and King Ming is very clear about it. Will you be swayed by this woman?"

"Very good." Chu Mo walked away after saying this.

Looking at Chu Mo's back, Yunqian's eyes darkened, but she sighed softly.

Although Chu Mo had walked about ten feet away from her at this time, he still heard her helpless sigh.

If Chu Mo had some doubts about Yun Qian's words earlier, then Yun Qian's sigh at this time fully confirmed Yun Qian's words. A stupid decision.

And the matter between him and Yun Yan made him feel as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.

Today's Yunqian seemed a little lacking in confidence, but she was still very courageous, exactly the same as the Yunqian Chu Mo knew.

Chu Mo thought of Yun Jingyan's abacus, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes, and a bit of anger in his heart. Is Yun Jingyan playing him for a fool?

After waiting for Chu Mo to go far away, Yunqian let out a sigh of relief. She didn't know how much Chu Mo believed what she said today, but no matter how much Chu Mo believed, for her, she only needed to bury this lead just fine.

Yun Jingyan wanted her to send Yunyan into Ming Palace, but there was no way!

Even if Yun Jingyan asked about today's matter in the future, she could still tell Yun Jingyan with reason and confidence. She told Chu Mo what she said, and she couldn't control Chu Mo's decision.

She had many ways to tell Chu Mo about sending Yunyan into the Ming Palace, but the way she chose was destined not to make Chu Mo happy, and this matter ended here.

Her eyes were dim, and she felt that it was obviously not enough to do this, and she needed a little help.

(End of this chapter)

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