Chapter 1445 Two Guards
Shuxiu heard what Huanyu said was a bit rude, so she stretched out her hand and squeezed her, and said: "You are really not old or young, why are you talking to the concubine Shizi?"

Yun Qian blushed slightly after hearing Huanyu's words, but she was not annoyed, but turned her face straight and said: "I'm afraid Huanyu's skin is a little itchy, I will go to the execution room later and let the executioners scratch it for you." Scratch."

Huanyu immediately said with a bitter face: "Shi Zifei, please forgive me this time, I will never dare again."

Yunqian snorted softly and didn't bother to talk to her, but Shuxiu chuckled beside her and said, "Shizi Concubine, don't argue with Huanyu. Today is our dereliction of duty. If you are angry, just deduct our monthly payment."

Huanyu pursed his lips and said: "You are generous, if my monthly money is not enough this month, I will use yours!"

Shuxiu covered her lips with a smile and said, "I can lend you money, but you have to pay it back, and you have to give me an IOU."

Huanyu snorted softly at Shuxiu, and the two women who had been standing by just now walked up to Yunqian and saluted, "I've seen Shizifei!"

"Who are you?" Yun Qian asked curiously, her yard was usually guarded by Chu Yuanzhou's guards, and ordinary people couldn't get in at all. At this time, these two women were standing here, probably arranged by Chu Yuanzhou.

The appearance of the two women is not very outstanding, with a bit of heroism in their eyebrows and eyes. One looks a little younger, with a round face, round eyes, and a pair of round dimples, which looks very cute happiness.The other has a slightly darker complexion, slightly thicker eyebrows, and looks more stable.

The two women bowed to Yun Qian and said, "We are the handmaidens given by the son to the concubine."

Yunqian remembered what Chu Yuanzhou said to her last night, and immediately understood what he meant, she smiled lightly and said, "Oh, so that's the case, what are your names, and what specialties do you have?"

The woman with the round face said: "If you come back to the imperial concubine, my name is Yuanyuan. I am 15 years old. My greatest specialty is kicking enemies away with one kick."

Yunqian frowned slightly after hearing her words, and the woman standing beside Yuanyuan smiled and said, "Don't listen to her nonsense, Shizifei, she is just good at playing and is good at close-range attacks. Don't look at her young, she is not weak , there are some famous people in the world."

Yun Qian didn't understand those things in Jianghu, but she felt a little strange when she heard these words at this time, but the woman continued: "My name is Qingqing, and I am good at using hidden weapons."

Yunqian knew that these two people, Chu Yuanzhou, had been chosen to be her bodyguards. She remembered that last night when she said she wanted a tall and mighty bodyguard, he had tormented her for most of the night, and this morning he found them for her.

The person I found had nothing to do with being tall and mighty. These two women looked delicate and weak.

Yunqian felt that Chu Yuanzhou was really jealous, but it made her feel very warm. She also knew that she was accompanied by these two women, who were just like two maidservants in the eyes of others. Will be too defensive.

And she also knows that people with real martial arts skills will not show it to the outside world. It is natural for Chu Yuanzhou to pull these two women to her. She nodded slightly and said, "Oh, if that's the case, can you let me Let's see what you can do?"

Yuanyuan smiled, the dimples on her face were very cute, she cupped her hands generously and said, "Then I'll make a fool of myself."

(End of this chapter)

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