Chapter 1457
Seeing Nangong Wushuang's appearance, Yun Qian covered her lips and smiled lightly, "Miss Wushuang, I see that you don't have grass growing on your body, but you have grown a lot of flowers."

"Does it look good?" Nangong Wushuang said with a light smile, "Qingqiu said that I usually don't use hairpins and step shakers. I look too plain and don't have the majesty of a princess, so I tied this flower."

"Pretty." Yun Qian said with a smile in his eyes, "Wu Shuang is good-looking no matter how she dresses up. If you didn't jump like this just now, you would look like a fairy from a painting, a standard dignified princess."

Nangong Wushuang pinched Yunqian's face and said, "Qianqian, you are calling me rude in disguise!"

Yun Qian also pinched her face back and said: "If I want to have a body as good as yours, I guess I will be the same as you. I want to dance now, but my body is too weak to even dance!"

Nangong Wushuang also laughed when he heard the words.

Chu Yuanzhou said from the side: "You don't want to be like your sister-in-law, you should sit down and have a cup of tea obediently!"

Nangong Wushuang said from the side: "What's so good about tea? I haven't figured out what's wrong with you Dazhou people. You take a few tree leaves and soak them in boiling water. It's called tea. Tea is extremely bitter. If you drink it at night, you won’t be able to sleep, why do you guys love to drink it so much, and it’s extremely expensive, one or two tea leaves and one or two gold, why don’t those merchants go and rob it!”

Yun Qian couldn't help but laugh. If Lu Yu heard Nangong Wushuang's words, he might crawl out of the grave to be anxious with her. The tea of ​​the Great Zhou Dynasty had already become a culture.

Chu Yuanzhou laughed loudly when he heard the words, turned to Chu Yi and said, "Ah Yi, you have married a living treasure and come back."

Chu Yi said lightly: "Tuoyin doesn't have tea, it's normal for her to say that, there's nothing strange about it."

Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows lightly, and looked at Chu Yi's eyes with a smile, Chu Yi was a little uncomfortable being looked at by him like this, and then said: "If you don't want to drink tea, you can take it with you. Shi Zifei went for a walk in the garden, and the white lotuses over there are all in bloom, so I can take a look."

He said the first sentence to Nangong Wushuang, but the latter sentence was to Yun Qian.

The area occupied by Prince Jing’s Mansion is not too large, not as large as that of Prince Chu’s Mansion, and even half of the area of ​​Prince Ming’s Mansion, but the building inside is very elegant, and its style is about five points similar to that of Ye Mansion, both of which are quiet and secluded.

Chu Mo's temperament was originally a little cold, and he only loved lotus, so there were not too many flowers and plants in the palace. Dudu had grown a lot of lotus, and there were many kinds of them.

Overlapping, complex blooming filled the entire pond.

Nangong Wushuang giggled and said: "Very good, you men talk about your men's words, we women talk about our women's words, you are not allowed to come and eavesdrop!"

Chu Yuanzhou said disdainfully: "Who cares to listen to your women's gossip, Qianqian, you should take your sister-in-law away, I see that she doesn't want to be separated from Ah Yi."

Chu Yi glanced sideways at Chu Yuanzhou, and Yun Qian also smiled, knowing that they also had something to say, so he and Nangong walked forward along the Jiuqu Corridor.

"How does Prince Jing treat you?" Yun Qian asked with a smile.

Nangong Wushuang flattened his mouth and said: "Looking at it from the eyes of the world, it should be considered pretty good, you know, his temper has always been cold and he doesn't talk much. Sometimes I even think that if I take it down with a stick, I don't know if he will say a word."

PS: I recommend my friend Shiyue's "The Concubine Wushuang: The Prince Knelt Down", mature writing style, and a story worth reading carefully. Dear friends, you can go and read it when you have time.

(End of this chapter)

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