Chapter 1466 Chu Han's Wrath

Chu Yi nodded slightly and said, "Thank you."

Yun Qian smiled lightly when she heard the words, and said nothing more, Chu Yi picked up Nangong Wushuang and put them in the room beside her.

Seeing the appearance of Chu Yi and Nangong Wushuang, Chu Yuanzhou slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and felt that this matter is also interesting. It seems that the relationship between Chu Yi and Nangong Wushuang is not completely out of play. Chu Yi has Chu Yi's death spot, Nangong Wushuang has the unique skill of Nangong Wushuang.

Seeing Chu Yuanzhou's eyes that seemed to be watching a show, Chu Yi felt a little unnatural, but said slowly, "How does Yuanzhou see this matter?"

Chu Yuanzhou said indifferently: "Someone did it deliberately. I have sent people to seal off the entire racecourse. It is impossible for anyone to escape from here."

Chu Yi also nodded his head lightly, his eyes deepened, because he knew that Chu Yuanzhou was coming today, so he didn't go to Jingjiwei Yamen, and only brought two guards with him.

He turned his head and gave instructions to the two guards, and they hurried out.

Seeing Chu Yi's arrangement, Chu Yuanzhou's eyes deepened, and he knew that he was going to intervene in this matter.
When Chu Han saw that all the horses had gone crazy, he immediately panicked. He bought all these horses. If something happened, he would be the first to take the responsibility.

Originally, he had spent all his time on buying horses. He had bought so many fine horses in hopes of the emperor's praise. He is not in a hurry?
Although he is smart, he is still young after all, and when he encounters such a thing, he is a little impatient, and he immediately said: "Come on, hurry up to the capital and bring all the veterinarians to this prince!"

A few attendants around him rushed out, but came back soon and said: "Seventh prince, the prince has sealed off the entire racecourse, we can't get out!"

Chu Han was furious when he heard the words: "It's simply unreasonable, who does Chu Yuanzhou think he is! How dare he be such a master!"

The attendant said softly: "If you go back to the Seventh Prince, not only will our people not be able to get out, but the person who went to ask for a veterinarian just now was arrested by the prince's people!"

"Why does he arrest me!" Chu Han was furious when he heard the words, and immediately cursed: "Are you all shit eaters? If he wants to arrest you, let them arrest you?"

The attendant lowered his head and said, "It's not that our people are willing to be arrested, but that Shizi's attendants have many martial arts skills, and we can't beat them."

There were flames in Chu Han's eyes, and he said coldly: "Sure enough, you all eat shit."

After he finished speaking, he raised his foot and kicked the servant to the ground. The servant didn't dare to say a word after being beaten up like this.

Chu Han asked again: "Where is Chu Yuanzhou?"

The attendant replied softly, "It's in the stable in front."

Chu Han raised his feet and strode towards the stable. He knew that Chu Yuanzhou was a martial artist, so there were many experts around Chu Yuanzhou. He also sent people to test the skills of Chu Yuanzhou's subordinates. Basically, Chu Yuanzhou Any bodyguard in Zhou's hands can be the chief bodyguard of the bodyguards around him, and one bodyguard of Chu Yuanzhou can easily knock down ten bodyguards around him, and those bodyguards of his have been spent a lot over the years. energy was found.

In such a comparison, the disparity in strength is obvious.

Chu Han felt a little uncomfortable. It didn't matter that Chu Yuanzhou was good at martial arts, but he also had literary talents, which really exceeded his expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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