Chapter 1472 Grain is non-toxic
Yun Qian is not a veterinarian, and she is not good at treating horses, but when it comes to sickness, humans and horses actually have something in common. She turned her head and asked the steward: "You have raised horses for many years, but have you seen how horses live? Will you bite a horse when you are sick?"

"The temperament of horses is mostly docile." The steward replied: "Even when the plague strikes, horses occasionally go crazy, but such a well-behaved madness, and even biting things, the lower official is really serious." Seeing you for the first time."

Yunqian sighed softly, turned her head and glanced at Chu Yuanzhou, Chu Yuanzhou spread his hands lightly, expressing that even though he was well-informed, he did not see such a thing.

At this time, the leader of Chu Yuanzhou's secret guard came back, and he said beside Chu Yuanzhou: "My lord, my subordinates have already checked carefully, except for the servants around the Seventh Prince who wanted to take advantage of the chaos to leave the racecourse, there is no No one else wants to leave. There are a total of 180 or two horse servants in the racecourse, and the subordinates have also checked them all. There is nothing abnormal among these people, but because of the short time, there is still time to check some details. I will continue to investigate, and if there is any progress, I will report it to the Crown Prince immediately."

Chu Yuanzhou nodded slightly, and the leader of the dark guard turned around and retreated.

Yun Qian was stunned for a moment when she heard the words of the leader of the dark guards. She knew that there were capable people around Chu Yuanzhou, but she didn't expect that these people were so efficient in their work. They not only blocked the entire racecourse in just one hour, I also checked all the horse servants in the racecourse, Nima, these people are almost comparable to the computers of the 21st century.

At this time, Chu Han felt admiration for Chu Yuanzhou. At this time, he realized that the gap between himself and Chu Yuanzhou was really huge. No wonder Yun Qian liked Chu Yuanzhou and looked down on him. .

Among these people, Chu Yi is the calmest. He knows Chu Yuanzhou's ability better than anyone present. He always feels that if Chu Yuanzhou gets angry, even if he can't destroy the world, he can make the world Discoloration.

Chu Yuanzhou turned his head and asked the steward, "Where do you usually get the water for the horses?"

After this series of events, the steward became a lot more honest, and hurriedly replied: "There is a small lake at the foot of Wanjian Mountain, that is, to the east of the racecourse. The water that the horses usually drink is taken from there."

"Take us over there to have a look." Yun Qian said softly.

This time the steward didn't ask another word and directly brought everyone over.

After Yunqian passed by, she found that although the lake there was not very big, she roughly estimated that it covered an area of ​​nearly two acres. She looked at the terrain and found that there was a stream flowing down from the mountain on one side, and it continued to flow into the lake.

Yunqian smelled the smell of the lake water, and then dipped a little lake water into her mouth with her finger. Seeing Chu Yuanzhou's gaze, she shook her head slightly.

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes deepened, and Yunqian's heart was also a little tangled. Although from the very beginning, she concluded that the horses were poisoned, she still hasn't found the source of the poison. This is the first time such a thing has happened. .

A horse servant hurried over again and said, "It's bad, it's bad, several horses died!"

When Yunqian heard the news, she cried out that it was not good. If the horse died at this time, then more horses would die.

Chu Han's eyes were full of anxiety and said: "No, it won't work if it goes on like this, we have to go back to Beijing immediately to call for a veterinarian!"

(End of this chapter)

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