Chapter 1478 Unexplainable
Nangong Wushuang said again: "My mother also accidentally told me about this matter back then. I have always liked horses, so sometimes I would ask my mother about horses. When my mother talked about this matter, she called me. I gave an analogy, saying that it is very likely that those horses are like people, probably because of homesickness and eating things from other places, they become sluggish day by day."

When she said this, her voice was a little choked up, and she said softly: "Maybe it's because of this, my mother became ill after Tuo Yin, and her health became even worse after giving birth to me."

Yunqian sighed inaudibly, patted her on the shoulder lightly, and said softly: "It's over, don't be sad, we are by your side."

Nangong Wushuang nodded slightly, and Chaoyun smiled lightly.

Only then did Yun Qian turn her head and said to Chu Yuanzhou: "I probably know what happened to these horses suddenly going crazy by now."

Chu Han immediately looked at Yun Qian with wide eyes and said, "Princess Shi Zi, don't tell me that the reason why these horses go crazy is because they are not acclimatized!"

He laughed out loud after saying this, as if Yun Qian's words were so ridiculous, it was impossible for him to be dissatisfied in his heart.

"Is it funny?" Chu Yuanzhou asked with squinted eyes.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Chu Han didn't have a smile in their eyes, so he coughed lightly and didn't speak any more.

Yun Qian said indifferently: "Whether it is a human or an animal, they will all be acclimatized. Of course, these horses are not simply acclimatized. It is very likely that someone made them on purpose."

Chu Han was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, his eyes were still puzzled, but Chu Yuanzhou bluntly knocked him on the head violently and said: "Idiot, it's very stupid to be sold and pay the money back." A stupid idiot, even more stupid than a very stupid idiot is a top idiot, the typical behavior of this kind of top idiot is not only being sold, but also counting the money, and thinking that he has taken advantage of it."

Chu Han was baffled by his beating and scolding, he covered his head and said, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

Seeing Chu Han's appearance, Chu Yuanzhou shook his head lightly, then took Yun Qian's hand and walked out. Chu Yi glanced at Chu Han, sighed softly, then shook his head and walked out.

Chu Han looked puzzled. At this time, only the steward was left in the room. He looked at the steward and said, "What are they doing? It's really inexplicable!"

The steward didn't dare to contradict him directly, and immediately said with a smile: "The lower officials don't know too well, so let's go out and have a look."

Chu Han glared at him and said, "You still need to say that."

After he finished speaking, he strode out, and the steward smiled and hurriedly followed.

Chu Han was praised for being smart since he was a child, but it was the first time he was scolded for being stupid. He was very dissatisfied. When he went out like this, he was looking forward to seeing the jokes of Chu Yuanzhou and others, and also hoping that they would really Thought of a solution to the problem.

For a moment, his heart was extremely contradictory, he gritted his teeth and stood there without speaking.

When he walked out, he saw that Yunqian had already taken out a handful of gold needles from his bosom, took out one and handed it to Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Use this needle and stick it directly into the middle of the horse's head."

Chu Yuanzhou responded, and immediately chose a horse that was going crazy and stabbed it. He stabbed it with a needle, and the horse immediately fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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