Chapter 1491
When Chu Shu was calculating all this, it can be said that he had calculated many things, but he did not calculate that Chu Yuanzhou would come to the racecourse today, let alone that Yun Qian cured the horse.

Although these horses were not as fast as they could run in Tuoyin after being cured, they were not dead after all, so there was still a big turning point.

Yun Qian said softly, "You want to use Chu Han's hand to deal with Chu Shu?"

"How can this idiot Chu Han be Chu Shu's opponent?" Chu Yuanzhou said indifferently: "Of course this matter must be dealt with by Chu Mo himself. The two of them had mutual suspicion before, and this time such a big thing happened again. , it’s strange that Chu Mo doesn’t get angry, we just watch the show from the sidelines.”

"Chu Mo is not stupid, how could he let you arrange to deal with Chu Shu this time?" Yun Qian's eyes were a little puzzled.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled mysteriously: "If the princes with strength are A Yi, Chu Mo and Chu Shu, at this time A Yi is considered the weakest one. Although they are a little worried about him, they will not put the most important energy on him. Regarding the matter of scheming him, Chu Mo and Chu Shu, these two must come up with a result recently."

Yun Qian smiled lightly when she heard the words, and there was a faint smile in her eyes.

Compared with the tricks of the girls in the back house, the calculations in the court are somewhat similar in theory, but they are much more dangerous.

Chu Yi and Nangong Wushuang stayed in the room, and they both felt a little awkward. When they were in Prince Jing's Mansion before, they rarely lived in the same room.

Coupled with Chu Yi's busy affairs, it is rare to spend one day in the palace in ten days.

As far as Nangong Wushuang was concerned, she was already used to this kind of life. Although she had some expectations for him in her heart, she felt that it was extremely unnatural to face him like this.

The most important thing is that after being frightened today, she was still holding his shoulder and crying, and said so many thick-skinned things.

Although she felt that the way of expressing love between men and women in Tuoyin Country could be very direct, but this is Dazhou. After she has been in Dazhou for so long, she has begun to get used to the way men and women here express their feelings.

And she also discovered that if there is no emotion, then a lot of things can be said directly, but once there is emotion, she will feel all kinds of uncomfortable, awkward, and at a loss.

Nangong Wushuang sat by the bed and glanced at Chu Yi, but Chu Yi didn't look at him, but straightened his clothes and said: "Such a big thing happened today, I'm afraid there will be changes at night, so I'll go out and have a look. "

When he said this, he was explaining his whereabouts to Nangong Wushuang. Nangong Wushuang was used to his way of speaking, so he said slowly: "Is the prince planning to stop talking to me for the rest of his life?"

When she asked, Chu Yi felt his ears burning again for no reason, and remembered the feeling of her hanging on his chest before, he coughed lightly and said, "What do you want to say to this king?"

Nangong Wushuang said slowly: "I just want to tell the prince, you don't need to take what I said today, the prince doesn't need to take it to heart, and it's late at night, so there's no need to go out to hide from me."

Her words were a little direct, Chu Yi's eyes turned, and he said slowly: "You think too much."

Her directness made him, who had always been cold, not know how to deal with it, and he became a little uncomfortable because she said what was on his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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