Chapter 1507 Sudden Assassination
Although Yunqian is extremely sensitive in her actions, she doesn't know martial arts after all, and she is not as sensitive as Qingqing to things like murderous intent.

Her heart tightened, and Yuanyuan was already standing beside Yunqian and said, "With us here, Shi Zifei doesn't have to worry."

Yunqian nodded slightly, but still buckled the gold needle in her hand, just in case, she had to be careful.

It seems that every time she leaves the palace, something happens.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, but at this moment, she heard the very faint sound of fighting.

Qingqing and Yuanyuan looked at each other, they became more determined, and walked forward protecting Yunqian.

Now that the situation is unknown, their ears have been pricked up.

At this moment, someone suddenly rushed out from a secluded alley nearby. The person was covered in blood and looked very scary. Behind the person, there were several men in black.

The men in black also saw Yun Qian and the others, and they didn't take it too seriously when they saw that they were weak protons, but they didn't want anyone to see this matter, so they immediately took out a hidden weapon from their arms and pointed at Yun Qian. Shoot in a shallow direction.

Yunqian was shocked when she saw this scene, at the same time, Qingqing stretched out her hand, and quickly took all the hidden weapons in her hand.

The men in black were shocked when they saw this scene, and the hidden weapon in Qingqing's hand flew towards the men in black.

Qingqing's hidden weapon kung fu is quite famous in the whole Jianghu. Those men in black were attacked by her like this, and two of them were shot immediately. Shrunk to the ground.

Yun Qian is an expert in using poison. When she saw this scene, she knew what was going on in her heart, and immediately said coldly: "What a ruthless method, what a poison."

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the other two men in black took out their hidden weapons and shot at the man who escaped. Qingqing didn't want to meddle in other people's business, so she didn't come to rescue him. He couldn't support it when he was hit by the hidden weapon, and he fell to the ground immediately.

When the man fell to the ground, Yunqian recognized that he was the guard who was beside Chu Han that day. At the Royal Racecourse, she and Chu Yuanzhou went to find Chu Han before midnight, and the two guards kept talking about her. Talking badly about Chu Yuanzhou, so she remembers it clearly.

As soon as Yunqian saw this scene, she had many guesses in her heart, and immediately said to Qingqing: "Don't let anyone go!"

After Qingqing heard Yun Qian's order, she quickly pulled out the flying knives from her waist, stretched out her hand and threw them, and those flying knives immediately flew towards the remaining two men in black like long eyes.

She showed her hand very beautifully, and the throwing knife went very fast. Before the two men in black could react, they fell to the ground immediately.

Yunqian took out a pill from her bosom and fed it into the guard's mouth. She then pressed the guard's pulse lightly, knowing that although her pill could detoxify him, his injury was too serious , can't be saved at all.

Her eyes deepened, and the guard's eyes opened after taking the pill. Perhaps it was a reflection of the light, but he seemed to be a little bit more energetic. He obviously recognized Yun Qian, and after spitting out a mouthful of blood, he said softly, "Thank you." Princess Concubine, save me!"

Yun Qian asked: "What happened? Who are they? Why did they kill you?"

(End of this chapter)

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