Chapter 1512 King of Toin
After Chu Shu left the yamen of Jingjiwei, he remembered that Yun Chu had told him that day that only two people were invited to kill the guard, but this time four killers died, which was quite strange.

Ever since he met Yun Chu, he knew that Yun Chu would definitely not be a person who sells money, and that he always acted a bit petty, such a thing would definitely not be done by Yun Chu.

After Chu Shu thought about it, he recruited the hidden guards around him and asked him to find out how many killers Yun Chu hired that day.

Chu Shu was a little surprised by the result. Yun Chu did only hire two killers that day, and not long after, someone paid a lot of money to add two more killers.

Chu Shu was a little surprised when he heard the news, and suddenly felt like someone was staring at him in the dark, but who was that person?

Chu Shu listed all the possible people, but felt that everyone was possible, and it seemed that everyone was impossible.

Half a month later, King Tuoyin entered Beijing.

The first thing he did after he came to Beijing was to send someone to find Nangong Wushuang, but Nangong Wushuang refused to see him because he was unwell. After all, King Tuoyin was unhappy because Nangong Wushuang avoided seeing him.

But now that Mrs. Ruan is dead, and King Tuoyin has no real bargaining chip to blackmail Nangong Wushuang, he immediately regrets it. He knew that such a thing would happen, and he asked a doctor to see Mrs. Ruan in the first place.

After King Tuoyin came to Beijing, he stayed at the inn. He handed over the booklet to pay homage to the emperor, but the emperor said that he was busy and asked him to wait in the inn for ten days.

On the 11th, he couldn't bear it anymore, and asked his attendants to deliver the booklet to the emperor, but before he left, Chu Yuanzhou came.

King Tuo Yin had met Chu Yuanzhou before. When Tuo Yin surrendered, the letter of surrender in King Tuo Yin's hand was handed over to Chu Yuanzhou.

And how fierce Chu Yuanzhou's cavalry was, he felt it more deeply than anyone else.

When Chu Yuanzhou sent troops south, he could receive news from the front almost every day. Those news must be because Tuoyin had another city or a checkpoint captured by Chu Yuanzhou.

So for Chu Yuanzhou, King Tuoyin hated and was afraid and helpless.

At this time, when he saw Chu Yuanzhou on the land of the Great Zhou, it was difficult for him to sort out what he felt in his heart. However, today's Chu Yuanzhou is as red as the red crane official robe of a first-rank civil servant, which is not the same as the last time he saw it on the battlefield. It's as cold as Shura.

He was about to say hello with a smile, but Chu Yuanzhou had already started laughing: "King Tuoyin, you are getting younger and younger after years!"

In fact, at this time King Tuoyin had nothing to do with Young Young, his hair was half white, his face was a little dark, and his eyes were cloudy and lifeless.

King Tuoyin said with a smile: "Your Majesty is joking, Gudu is an old bone, and he is getting farther and farther away from youth."

King Tuoyin had experienced Chu Yuanzhou's ability before, in addition to his ability on the battlefield, he also had the ability to talk. At this time, he saw that it was Chu Yuanzhou who came, and he was very careful in his heart, for fear of being blackmailed by Chu Yuanzhou again. .

He knew that after Chu Yuanzhou returned to the capital from the battlefield, he had served as an official in the court, and now he was the chief assistant of the Great Zhou, so it was reasonable for the emperor to bring Chu Yuanzhou to see him.

It's just that the person he didn't want to see the most during the whole week was also Chu Yuanzhou.

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "King Tuoyin is humble."

(End of this chapter)

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