Chapter 1526 Happy Cooperation
While Chu Yuanzhou was talking, he was full of helplessness, which made Chu Han want to slap him.

King Tuoyin heaved a long sigh of relief when he watched Chu Yuanzhou sign the paper, and then put the document away. Chu Yuanzhou said unhurriedly: "Because those big weeks are waiting to be used, King Tuoyin At this time, the contract was also signed, and King Tuoyin ordered people to send the horses to Dazhou, and I will arrange people to collect the horses at the border."

King Tuoyin nodded and said: "It's been a while since Gu came to Dazhou. This time, I want to send the horses to Dazhou. I think it's better for Gu to handle it in person. When Gu goes back, I also ask the prince to let these good horses go. alone and take it back."

"Don't King Tuoyin know what it means to pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other?" Chu Yuanzhou looked at King Tuoyin and said, seeing that King Tuoyin's face changed slightly, he added another sentence: "King Tuoyin and I He is a good friend, so he can trust King Tuo Yin naturally, but when doing business, the brothers have to settle accounts clearly, so please forgive King Tuo Yin for this matter."

King Tuo Yin was stunned for a moment, and Chu Yuanzhou said with a smile again: "I have had a lot of fun drinking with King Tuo Yin these days, and I haven't had enough. Why don't you feel sorry for King Tuo Yin for a while, and wait for King Tuo Yin's horse to send you off?" When we reach the border of Dazhou, I will send people to send these horses to King Tuoyin and send them back to Tuoyin, what will King Tuoyin want?"

King Tuoyin was hesitant when he heard the words, Chu Yuanzhou glanced at him and said: "It seems that King Tuoyin is not sincere in making a deal!"

King Tuoyin gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, this matter is up to the son."

Chu Yuanzhou said with a smile: "It's a happy cooperation."

King Tuo Yin smiled back at him. He drank too much last night and was still a little dizzy at this time. Chu Yuanzhou saw that his face was not very good, so he immediately sent someone to send King Tuo Yin back to the post.

As soon as King Tuoyin left, Chu Han walked up to Chu Yuanzhou and said, "That day I saw that those horses lost their energy, how they suddenly became horses again, I don't understand."

"Idiot." Chu Yuanzhou took a look at Chu Han and cursed, "Are you really stupid or lack of understanding?"

Chu Han was a little baffled by his scolding, Chu Yuanzhou gave him a blank look, and didn't bother to pay attention to him, Chu Han wanted to stop him from asking a few more questions, but he had already gone far.

Chu Han frowned slightly, and his eyes were full of puzzlement. When he turned his head to look at the horses again, he saw that the horses had been led down listlessly, and they no longer had the energy he had seen just now.

Chu Han's eyes widened suddenly, and he didn't know what kind of blindfold Chu Yuanzhou had just used.

What he didn't know was that Chu Yuanzhou didn't use any tricks, but when Yunqian got the medicine earlier, she had already found out the poison in the horse's place, and she spent some effort to get rid of the remaining poison for the horse.

Later, Chu Yuanzhou said that King Tuoyin had arrived in the capital, and he told his plan. He felt that many things were easy to deal with, but the only problem was those horses. Knowing that a horse grown up by Zhicao can become a horse has become the crux of the problem.

Chu Yuanzhou's original idea was to use the rogue's method directly, coaxing and tricking King Tuoyin to sign obediently.

After Yunqian heard about his plan, she felt that that method was not advisable. She thought that she could also give the horses some stimulating drugs to make them look energetic, and supplemented with other medicinal materials to make the horses stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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