Chapter 1528 Look at the joke
Chu Yuanzhou cast a sideways glance at Bai Luo and said, "You do it yourself, don't involve me, I've never been the same as you!"

Bai Luo smiled when he heard the words: "I heard that the business negotiation of Shi Ziye was very successful this time. One dead horse was exchanged for twenty good horses. It's a good thing you can figure it out, and only Tuo Yin That idiot Wang will be fooled."

Chu Yuanzhou said coldly: "You think this matter is easy to do. Shall I inform King Tuo Yin that Bai Luo, the richest man in Great Zhou, wants to do business with him?"

"Forget that." Bai Luo coughed lightly and said, "I just said that because I admire you. I've been in business for so many years, and I've never done such a successful business. "

Chu Yuanzhou didn't bother to pay attention to him, and was about to leave, but Bai Luo followed and said, "I haven't seen your aunt for some days, you go back and tell Shi Zifei, let her help me ask your aunt out ?”

"This is your business, you can talk to Qianqian yourself." Chu Yuanzhou rolled his eyes at him and said, "I don't want to interfere in your affairs at all, so, Young Master Bai, please hold your hand high and don't talk about it again." Talk about your love history in front of me, I am afraid that if I am not careful one day, I will reveal all your previous love history. I am still busy now, don't bother me!"

After saying that, Chu Yuanzhou strode out.

Bai Luo curled his lips and said, "If I don't help, I won't help, why are there so many nonsense!"

When he thought of the things between him and Princess Qionghua, he also felt a little headache. While hesitating, he saw a familiar figure in the stable beside him, who looked a bit like Princess Qionghua.

He suddenly felt a little curious in his heart, why did Princess Qionghua come here?
He hurriedly walked towards that figure, but when he walked, Princess Qionghua had already walked to the horse farm on the side.

Bai Luo's eyelids twitched, and he felt a little excited, but he didn't know what she was doing here.

He wanted to go up and say hello to her, but he also knew that he would be scolded bloody by her if he went up like this at this time, so he watched from the side to see what she wanted to do.

However, Princess Qionghua looked at the horses carefully, and then jumped on the one she liked, and she rode away as soon as she caught the horse's belly.

Bai Luo looked at the horse that Princess Qionghua was riding, and it was clearly a horse that had taken medicine. He raised his eyebrows slightly, hurriedly pulled his mount over, and then chased after the horse.

It takes at least two quarters of an hour to ride horses from the Royal Racecourse back to the capital, and these horses will wear off soon, and they can last for a quarter of an hour at most, Bai Luo's eyes had a look of interest, and he immediately followed.

Princess Qionghua's riding skills are very good, and she rides the horse very fast. At first, he was afraid of being discovered by Princess Qionghua, so he didn't dare to ride too fast. In addition, the horse that Princess Qionghua rode was originally a thousand-mile horse, so he came out of Wanjian Mountain , Princess Qionghua disappeared.

Bai Luo's heart suddenly became a little anxious, and he quickly broke the horse faster. After about a quarter of an hour, he finally saw Princess Qionghua sitting on the limp horse's back and getting angry.

Princess Qionghua kicked and said, "Hey, let me tell you, get up quickly, you poor horse! If you don't get up again, I'll chop you up and eat you!"

(End of this chapter)

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