Chapter 1534 Falling In Love
Thinking about it now, Cui Cheng was away from the Princess Mansion every day during those days, and he couldn't even see a shadow of himself, so it turned out that he went to Ling Ruan's place.

And Nangong Wushuang has been extremely unfavorable since he was born, and it was here at all.

That is, Nangong Wushuang is not the daughter of King Tuo Yin at all, and King Tuo Yin will not like her.

Princess Qionghua had some guesses about this matter earlier, but when the facts were presented to her like this, she finally felt a little unexpected and felt helpless.

She never gave birth to a son or a daughter for Cui Cheng in her whole life, but she did not expect that Ling Ruan had already given birth to Nangong Wushuang for Cui Cheng.

King Tuoyin asked, "What is the relationship between you and Jiang Zicheng?"

After hearing King Tuoyin's question, Princess Qionghua understood that after Cui Cheng faked his death and accompanied Ling Ruan to Tuoyin, he would no longer be able to use Cui Cheng's name, and presumably changed his name to Jiang Zicheng.

She said softly: "I am Jiang Zicheng's elder sister. He has not returned home for many years. I accidentally heard that I saw him at the wedding of Mrs. Ruan and King Tuo Yin, so I took the liberty to invite King Tuo Yin here today." As soon as I asked, if there was something abrupt just now, please don't take it to heart."

In fact, Cui Changchang was eight years old. The reason why she said she was his sister was because she didn't want to reveal her identity.

King Tuoyin was immediately relieved when he heard what she said. He felt that there was no danger and finally said: "It's okay, it's just a misunderstanding."

Princess Qionghua had already obtained the information she wanted, but she had other expectations, so she couldn't help asking: "How is my brother now?"

"He's a seed of infatuation." King Tuoyin said with a hint of gloom in his eyes, "When Ling Ruan died, he hugged her and committed suicide."

Princess Qionghua shook her body again when she heard the words, and she learned the news that he was alive, but she didn't expect to hear the news of his death in a blink of an eye, she was shocked: "What, he died?"

"Yes, he is dead." King Tuoyin glanced at Princess Qionghua and said, "Gu wanted to kill him very much before, but he escaped several times, and Ling Ruan defended him desperately..."

After a slight pause, he said: "Although Gu doesn't like Ling Ruan very much, Ling Ruan is the most stubborn woman I have ever met. I admire her from the bottom of my heart, so I kept her in the Tuoyin Palace. Jiang Zicheng is also a The seed of passion, a man loves a woman to such an extent that he actually turned himself into a eunuch for her, just wanting to stay by her side. Gu originally thought that this pair of men and women should have no feelings at this point, Unexpectedly, when Ling Ruan died, he would go with her too. Gu was very moved by the two of them, and buried them together."

Princess Qionghua's body swayed again, and what King Tuoyin said later, she didn't listen to a word, and she was already a little confused.

What she didn't expect was that Cui Cheng turned himself into a eunuch in order to stay by Ling Ruan's side!
In this love affair between the three of them, besides her being deeply in love, Cui Cheng had already fallen into love, but the object was not her.

Inexplicable emotions rose in her heart for a while, and she couldn't even figure out whether it was her regret or hatred for Ling Ruan and Cui Cheng. She thought she had loved deeply, but such a comparison , but she felt how selfish her love was.

(End of this chapter)

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