Chapter 154 A Woman's Mind

At this time, it was time for lunch, and the servants had already prepared the food. The steward invited everyone to the flower hall for a meal. During the meal, men and women sat in separate seats.

Yunqian and Su Rushi sat together, and Ye Wuyan also came over to eat after Ye Wuchen settled down. Ye Wuchen's Princess Qionghua had already made arrangements, and her servants had already gone to serve the meal.

Yunqian looked at Su Rushi and Ye Wuyan's eyes that could eat people, and she was calm from the beginning to the end.

At this time, the three women had already lifted their veils, and Yun Qian could see the appearance of the two of them clearly. Ye Wuyan had a typical oval face, delicate and bright, with exquisite facial features, a narrow nose and a small cherry mouth, double double Big eyes with eyelids.At this time, she was wearing a pink tobacco dress, which made her look even more beautiful.

Su Rushi and Ye Wuyan are two completely different types. She has an oval-shaped face, with two black and bushy eyebrows, her eyes are not too big, they are long and narrow phoenix eyes, the bridge of her nose is slightly high, and her mouth is also slightly It's a bit big, and her facial features don't look good alone, but when they are combined together, they have a special taste and a heroic spirit.

When Yun Qian was looking at them, they were also looking at her. Before, both of them thought she looked ordinary, but now standing in front of them was a beauty with icy muscles and bones. The temperament and outstanding charm made the two feel a little uneasy.

Ye Wuyan bit her lip lightly, and finally understood why her brother wanted to marry Yunqian, but Yunqian wanted to take away her sweetheart at this time, so she couldn't tolerate Yunqian.

In Su Rushi's memory, Yun Qian was an ordinary girl who couldn't be more ordinary, without any beauty or talent, and when she went to Yun Mansion, she never looked at Yun Qian directly.But seeing you today, it's like a different person, the whole person is shining brightly.

Ye Wuyan and Su Rushi used to be extremely at odds because of Chu Yuanzhou's matter, but when Yun Qian appeared at this time, they both had a consensus, that is to join hands to solve Yun Qian first.

Looking at the eyes of the two, Yunqian could guess a little bit. She secretly sighed that Chu Yuanzhou is really a provocative master. He has been away from the capital for so many years, and there are so many women waiting for him.

She smiled at the two of them, and Su Rushi also smiled and said: "It's only been a few years since I've seen the surface, but it's such a sign, it's no wonder the prince is tempted by my cousin. If I were a man, I'm afraid I would be tempted by my cousin too. It's just not Knowing how the cousin and the son met, let the son be so tempted by the cousin?"

Yunqian said indifferently: "Emotional matters are only due to fate. I rarely leave the mansion. It is the son who comes to ask for marriage on his own initiative. If we say that the first time we met, it was the day when the son came to Yun's residence to ask for relatives. After thinking about it, I can only rely on fate." To explain my marriage with the son."

What she said made Su Rushi even more uncomfortable. Ye Wuyan said from the sidelines: "Earlier, Miss Yun Wu had been pestering my elder brother endlessly, and then her attitude changed suddenly. It's too shameless, and it doesn't look like a lady."

Yun Qian said disapprovingly: "Young Master Ye has always regarded me as nothing, so why is such a love so strong? Miss Ye said that my morals are corrupt, but now that Shi Zi is engaged to me, and Miss Ye still secretly promises Shi Zi, such behavior is only good. I'm afraid he's a bit more shameless than me, but he's on par with Brother Ling."

(End of this chapter)

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