Chapter 1544 The Emperor's Wrath

The emperor's eyes became colder when he heard the words, but he still said indifferently: "That's right, Yuanzhou will enter the palace later, so I don't need to ask Lao Qi, just ask him directly."

The father and son chatted again, and the emperor asked Chu Shu to step down on the pretext of being busy.

After Chu Shu left, the emperor slapped the table heavily. Eunuch Zhu was shocked when he saw this, but he didn't dare to speak.

The emperor gritted his teeth and said: "Playing these tricks in front of me really disappoints me. He said so much in front of me, but he just wanted to tell me that Chu Yuanzhou favored the third and seventh children, and that he was not with them. Deceive me together!"

Eunuch Zhu said softly: "Your Majesty calm down, the Fourth Prince didn't think it was on purpose."

"He didn't do it on purpose, or he did it on purpose!" The emperor snorted softly, "I want to hide his little thoughts from me, and I don't want to see that I watched him grow up. His crooked thoughts, I knew it at a glance. Now that I am not dead, he actually wants to use my hands to kill his own brother! Why did I raise such a son!"

Eunuch Zhu lowered his head even more, but this time he didn't dare to speak anymore.

The queen stroked her forehead with her hand and said, "Will this throne cause my sons to lose any sense of brotherhood?"

After he asked this sentence, he remembered how he got the throne back then, and his mood was extremely complicated for a while.

Back then, he could kill his brother to get to this position, but when his son did such a thing in front of him, he couldn't bear it.

And he is old now, and his views on many things are not as good as when he was young. His eyes slightly closed and he said: "Retribution, this is retribution! They are trying to put the things I did back then in my heart." Do it again in front of me!"

The emperor's eyes closed slightly, and Eunuch Zhu glanced at him, feeling that at this moment, he seemed to be ten years older.

Eunuch Zhu said softly: "Since the emperor ascended the throne, he has never appointed a prince. Maybe the emperor will calm down this turmoil by appointing a prince."

The emperor shook his head lightly and said: "It's useless, the establishment of the prince will only make the prince a loser, and I'm afraid things will be more troublesome and difficult to end."

When Eunuch Zhu heard the words, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't speak any more.

At this moment, a young eunuch came in and said, "Your Majesty, the son is seeking an audience outside."

When the emperor heard that Chu Yuanzhou was coming, he nodded his head slightly, but he glanced at Eunuch Zhu and said, "I have something to say to my son, all of you should stand down!"

Eunuch Zhang retreated with a group of eunuchs in response, and Chu Yuanzhou strode in. After saluting, he brought the document signed by King Tuoyin today to the emperor.

The emperor was surprised when he saw that one horse was exchanged for twenty horses, and said, "How did you do it?"

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "Today, the Seventh Prince and Prince Jing were invited to perform a play, and then King Tuoyin signed it. Now this matter can be considered resolved, but today a horse was lost, and the minister's heart I'm a little worried, if King Tuoyin's people find out about that horse, I'm afraid there will be some trouble."

The emperor was still worried about how Chu Yuanzhou would talk about the horse, but he did not expect him to tell the truth without hiding a word. The emperor was not too relieved of him at first, but he felt relieved after hearing this sentence I can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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