Chapter 1546
"Oh, I wonder if King Tuoyin wants to see the emperor?" Chu Yuanzhou asked again.

King Tuoyin gritted his teeth and said, "I just want to ask the emperor, why did the prince use those frail horses to deceive Gu's [-] good horses!"

"I don't understand what King Tuoyin said." Chu Yuanzhou looked at King Tuoyin and said, "Those horses were bought by the Seventh Prince from Tuoyin, and King Tuoyin also saw those horses today, what? A good horse that told me to deceive King Toin with a frail horse? If I remember correctly, King Toin offered to exchange twenty horses for one of my best horses today. King Toin."

King Tuoyin was at a loss for words when he heard that, at this moment, the emperor's hearty laughter sounded in the station: "King Tuoyin, long time no see, don't come here!"

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said, "The emperor and King Tuoyin really have a good understanding."

King Tuoyin's face changed. After hearing Chu Yuanzhou's words, he was full of regrets. Yes, he sold the horse to Chu Han. Today's document was also signed by him on his own initiative. He calculated fiercely, but he couldn't say anything about his suffering.

At this time the emperor came, no matter what he wanted to say to the emperor, it would be useless.

But the emperor had actually been outside the house for a while, and he listened to what Chu Yuanzhou and King Tuo Yin said, and his heart was also full of anger at this moment, if he was somewhat dissatisfied with Chu Shu's coming to him in the afternoon at first And guess, then at this time, he felt that it was extremely stupid for Chu Shu to tell King Tuoyin the news in order to expose the matter.

King Tuo Yin saluted the emperor, but the emperor helped King Tuo Yin up with a smile and said: "There are no outsiders here, so you don't have to be so polite. When I was not enthroned, you brought your people to the capital. Time flies so fast, so many years in a flash.”

King Tuoyin smiled and said, "Yes, time flies so fast."

The emperor smiled and said: "I've been busy recently, and I've kept you waiting outside the palace for a long time. I really feel sorry for you. Today I promised to go to the horse farm with you to watch the equestrian show, but the result was also delayed because of something. How, can I enjoy watching today?" Happy?"

King Tuoyin called the emperor an old fox in his heart, wasn't all of this arranged by the emperor himself?At this time, it was unnecessary to ask him like this, he coughed lightly and said, "I am very satisfied."

"That's good." The emperor said with a hearty smile: "I am also very happy in my heart. I have asked Yuan Zhou to entertain you well these days. Is he doing well?"

"Very good." Tuoyin Wangyan said insincerely, Chu Yuanzhou went to drink with him every day and brought him beauties. Judging from the name, Chu Yuanzhou can be said to be impeccable.

The emperor was quite satisfied and said: "So I can rest assured. By the way, just now, I heard that you have something to see me. I don't know what it is?"

King Tuoyin glanced at the emperor, and then at Chu Yuanzhou. He had already suffered a dark loss in this matter. It made Chu Yuanzhou and the emperor anxious, and when the time comes to send troops south, I'm afraid no one in Tuo Yin can stop Chu Yuanzhou's attack for a round.

King Tuo Yin coughed lightly and said: "It's just that I have been alone in the capital for a few days, and I haven't seen the emperor, and I miss him very much, so I just want to see the emperor, that's all."

He spoke lightly, but his face was already blue with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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