Chapter 1554 No Bullying
The corners of Yunqian's mouth curled up slightly. These maids of hers all have their own strengths, but when it comes to meticulous thoughtfulness, no one can match Shuxiu. Over the years, Shuxiu has grown a lot by her side, and now she is becoming more and more beautiful. It's just that after Shuxiu's feet were broken three years ago, even wearing specific shoes, those feet could still be slightly limp, which she owed to Shuxiu.

She took Yuanyuan and Qingqing to the second gate, but saw Chu Tianqi walking towards her room from the Buddhist hall beside her.

When Yunqian saw Chu Tianqi, her eyes became darker. In the past three years, Chu Tianqi's performance in the Chu Palace can be said to be extremely honest. Apart from embroidering flowers in the house on weekdays, she just went to the Buddhist hall to chant scriptures , she would copy some Buddhas and burn them to Lu Zhu from time to time.

But in Yunqian's view, Chu Tianqi would never be as simple as it appeared on the surface. Several times, she could see a bit of coldness in Chu Tianqi's eyes.

Those coldness is the icy cold superimposed through the layers of time, quite a bit of depression, but also a kind of thick wound.

Chu Tianqi also saw Yunqian, she gave Yunqian a little gift, and then slowly raised her head.

Chu Tianqi is the same age as Yunqian, and now she has one, but her face no longer has the youthfulness that a girl should have, and there is a kind of heaviness that does not match her actual age.

She has grown up completely now, her eyebrows, eyes, nose, and mouth are almost exactly the same as that of Lu Zhu back then, and even the aura exuding from her body is more and more similar. Keep calm.

It's just that Chu Tianqi is much younger than Lu Zhu after all, and she still looks a little impatient. It's just that ordinary people can't see the impatience, but it can't be hidden from Yun Qian's eyes.

Of course Yunqian knew the reason for Chu Tianqi's impatience. In the past three years, Chu Tianqi stayed in Chu Palace under the sign of keeping filial piety. Yunqian knew that Chu Tianqi was looking for an opportunity to deal with her, but this For three years, she never gave Chu Tianqi any chance.
Now that the three years have expired, Chu Tianqi's marriage has also been on the agenda of Prince Chu's residence. Just a few days ago, King Chu took a few postings from Young Master Jingzhong to let Princess Chu find someone to marry her.

Yun Qian said with a smile: "Is Tian Qi burning Buddhist scriptures for Lu Side Concubine again?"

Chu Tianqi smiled lightly, but did not speak.

Yun Qian didn't care about her silence, instead she smiled more and said: "Tianqi is really a filial person, it is really her blessing that Concubine Luside gave birth to your daughter."

"The concubine concubine is overwhelmed." Chu Tianqi said softly, "These are just what a man and a child should do."

"That's right." Yunqian said slowly, "But Tianqi is already this year. I heard that the father has found several noble sons in Beijing for you. Then you have to choose carefully."

Chu Tianqi turned slightly pale when she heard these words, she said slowly: "The imperial concubine has a heart."

Yunqian smiled slightly, and walked out with Yuanyuan and Qingqing.

"Why does the third lady put up with her?" Chu Tianqi's maid, Xiu'er, couldn't help but ask.

Chu Tianqi glanced at Yun Qian's back and said calmly: "She didn't bully me, did she?"

Her tone was indifferent, with a hint of self-mockery in her voice, and her eyes, which were very similar to Lu Zhu's, were also full of coolness.

(End of this chapter)

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