Chapter 1564 Each has ambition
"You're right." Concubine De's eyes deepened and she said, "It's just that if we take any action at this time, I'm afraid it will be bad. The best way now is to wait and see what happens."

There was a bit of anxiety in Chu Mo's eyes, and Concubine De said again: "Mo'er, don't be too anxious about this matter. Now that Chu Yi is in the light and we are in the dark, even if he served your father That medicine is an antidote pill, and he won't know who gave it."

Chu Mo sighed softly and said: "Mother Concubine is right, but I have been waiting for so many years, and I see that I am about to succeed. I don't want to have such a mistake, and I feel bad for a while."

Concubine De said slowly: "This matter must not be rushed. If you are in a hurry, you will be confused, and even if Chu Yi is suspicious now, he does not have any evidence. If he wants to doubt in his heart, I am afraid that the first The first suspect would be Chu Shu."

Chu Mo nodded slightly when he heard the words, knowing that Concubine De made a lot of sense.

In the past few years, the queen has been very kind to Chu Shu. Since Chu Shu's biological mother is dead, the queen adopted Chu Shu under her own name. Now the queen and Chu Shu are real mother and son.

In the harem, even if the queen falls out of favor, the queen is still the queen after all.

When De Concubine and Chu Mo had a lot of suspicions here, the Queen felt a little uneasy. She had been trampled by De Concubine all these years, and she had already lost the dignity of the mother of a country. She had a lot of hatred for De Concubine of.

Over the years, she has seen everything that Concubine De has done, and it seems that she has seen Concubine De's ambition to become a queen mother. , and the queen also has the queen's plan, as long as the concubine De makes a move, the queen has a countermeasure.

It's just that Chu Yi who suddenly came out at this time also made the queen feel a lot of anxiety.

The queen thought about it carefully, and went to Baolai Temple on the grounds of praying for the emperor. When she came back from Baolai Temple, she went directly to Chu Palace.

When the Queen arrived at Prince Chu's Mansion, Yunqian was sitting under the grape arbor basking in the sun. The Queen's arrival made Yunqian suspicious, so she hurriedly got up to pick her up.

The queen helped Yun Qian up with a smile and said, "I used to live in Chu Wangfu for a short time earlier. At that time, the prince was not yet five years old. Time flies so fast. It has been so many years in a flash, and the trees in the palace are so beautiful. It's grown so big."

Yun Qian said with a smile: "The empress is right."

Yun Qian invited the queen to the flower hall, and then ordered the maid to make tea, but the queen said: "I heard that the concubine made good tea earlier, and I have never had a chance to pay for it. Now I have come to Chu Palace , can the concubine fulfill my wish?"

"The empress is serious." Yun Qian said with a smile: "It's rare that the empress thinks highly of the tea I make."

When she heard what the queen said, she knew that the queen had something to say to her alone. She immediately asked Shuxiu to boil the water and bring it over, and then asked Huanyu to bring over the Mingqian tea that the emperor had newly awarded this spring, and then Then let all the maids retreat.

Seeing Yun Qian's appearance, the Queen's mouth curled up slightly, but she smiled and said, "The Concubine Shizi really has a heart with seven apertures."

Yunqian's eyes were full of faint smiles and said: "The empress has won the prize, I wonder what the empress is going to see Yunqian today?"

(End of this chapter)

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