Chapter 1567

Shuxiu responded, and Yunqian sighed softly.

Chu Tianqi, are you going to attack?

Yun Qian's eyes darkened a bit, and there was a hint of inscrutability in his eyes.
It's not that she hasn't thought about touching Chu Tianqi all these years, but Chu Tianqi is also very smart, and the cat has been staying in the house all the time, so even if she wants to do it, it's not easy for her.

And when she planned to kill Lu Zhu back then, the King of Chu had always been a little unhappy about this matter. If she tried to act like it was, it would be bad.

Fortunately, Chu Tianqi is finally going to make a move. As long as Chu Tianqi makes a move, she will have a chance.

She also wants to know who is more powerful than Chu Tianqi now and Lu Zhu back then.

When the queen came out from Chu Tianqi's place, there was a hint of complacency in her eyes. She felt that Chu Tianqi was really a smart person who could see many things clearly.

For the next few days, Chu Tianqi hid in the house every day and did not come out, nor did she take any action.

After hearing Shuxiu's words, Yunqian tapped the table with her fingers, and the brilliance in her eyes deepened.
Yilan walked in and bowed to her, then said: "Prince Princess, Wangfei invites you to go over."

Yunqian responded, and took Shuxiu and Huanyu to Princess Chu's place. When she arrived at Princess Chu's place, Princess Chu was looking at a pair of Hunan embroidery, which was very elegantly embroidered. The picture of a flying butterfly kissing a flower.

Yun Qian smiled and said, "Why is mother so elegant?"

"I accidentally saw this when I was tidying up the storage room a few days ago." Princess Chu said lightly, "I asked Chu Zhifang, who is in charge, and he said that this embroidery was embroidered when Lu Zhu was around." At that time, after embroidering, she planned to give it to Tianqi, but Tianqi made her angry when she came back. After she got angry, she threw the pair of handkerchiefs into the warehouse. That year, Tianqi only stayed in the palace for a few days before leaving. By the time she calmed down, Tianqi had already left, and then she sent this piece of handkerchief into the warehouse, saying that she would give it to Tianqi as a dowry when she got married."

Yunqian smiled softly when she heard the words, and there was a faint smile in her eyes. She looked at Princess Chu and said, "Lu Zhu used to hurt my mother so badly. After her death, mother took good care of her children." .”

Over the years, Princess Chu still lives in seclusion, and doesn't care about these trivial matters in the palace. She doesn't care too much about Chu Tianyou and Chu Tianqi's affairs, but she doesn't deduct the food and clothing of the concubine and the concubine like the usual mistress , Their monthly money and other things are still the same as when Lu Zhu was there.

Yun Qian has always thought that Princess Chu is kind, but she also feels that people have selfishness. Lu Zhu treated Princess Chu like that back then, out of emotion and reason, and Princess Chu would fight back.

But Princess Chu did none of these things.

After hearing Yun Qian's words, Princess Chu said softly: "It's all over, and keeping it in my heart all day won't make me happy. Besides, the grievances of the previous generation don't need to continue to the next generation."

Yunqian just smiled lightly when she heard Princess Chu's words, knowing that there was really nothing to say at this time, she looked at Princess Chu and asked: "According to what mother said, it seems that Tianqi has found a suitable husband's family? "

Although Princess Chu has a scheming heart, she is a very kind person. If she said such words at this time, she might have found a suitable husband's family for Chu Tianqi.

(End of this chapter)

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