Chapter 1569

Princess Chu's eyes moved slightly, she looked at Yun Qian and said, "Qian'er thinks none of these people are suitable for Tian Qi?"

Yun Qian's eyes moved slightly and said: "I remember that the second lady Tianyu married into the Pingnan Hou Mansion. The relationship between Pingnan Hou Mansion and Chu Wang Mansion has been mediocre since Lu Zhu's death. I don't have much to say now, but Mother doesn't think that Pingnanhou's Mansion actually has a bad relationship with Prince Chu's Mansion."

Princess Chu was slightly taken aback, but she also nodded slightly.

Yun Qian said indifferently: "If Tianqi remarries into a princely family, I am afraid that he will join forces with the Pingnanhou Mansion to deal with the Chu Palace. After all, the father personally killed Lu Side Concubine. In their eyes, I am afraid that the Chu Palace may not Take it to heart, I'm afraid there is still a slight hatred deep in their hearts."

Princess Chu sighed, Yunqian looked at Princess Chu and said, "After they get married, they are no longer from the Prince Chu's mansion, but we are still in the Prince Chu's mansion, and it is only us who live and die with Princess Chu. That's all."

Princess Chu nodded lightly, put down the post and said, "It seems that my thinking is too simple."

"It's not that mother thinks things are too simple, but mother has always been kind." Yun Qian looked at Princess Chu with a smile and said.

Princess Chu shook her head lightly and said: "Actually, I have been thinking about the past all these years. I would not have made it to that point. In the final analysis, it was because of my anger and soft-heartedness. I always feel that human nature is inherently good. I just experienced After so many things, I still believe that human nature is good, just to achieve my own goals, and desire will overcome human nature.”

Yunqian smiled slightly when she heard her words.

Princess Chu sighed again and said: "I have suffered a big loss before, but I am still so naive now, and it is wrong to think of these things so simply. I originally planned to go to the prince tonight , I just feel that before meeting the prince, I still have some things to clarify, and I always feel a little uneasy, so I want to talk to you about this matter."

Yun Qian smiled slightly when she heard the words, but Princess Chu shook her head again, laughed at herself and said, "After listening to what you said, I finally know what I am worried about, Qian Qian, what do you say? Makes perfect sense."

After hearing what Princess Chu said, Yun Qian gently took Princess Chu's hand and said, "I think Yuan Zhou is very happy to have such a good mother."

"When I think about the past now, I always feel sorry for Yuanzhou." Princess Chu said with a touch of regret in her eyes: "He took on a lot of things when he was young, and he was known as a genius. But there is a lot of burden in my heart. I have always been immersed in my own world, and I didn't think about his affairs. Instead, I let him take care of me. I am really not a qualified mother."

Yun Qian heard the words and said softly: "It's all over, mother, don't think about the past anymore, we are all fine now, aren't we?"

Princess Chu nodded lightly when she heard the words, then smiled slightly at Yun, then reached out and patted the back of her hand lightly.

Yun Qian's eyes became warmer. She felt that with such a mother-in-law, she really didn't have to worry about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Princess Chu would never have any intention of harming others unless she was forced to do so.

(End of this chapter)

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