Chapter 1571 The rain is coming
King Chu knew very well what kind of storms the court was going to face. He had seen the bloody storm of the emperor's ascension to the throne many years ago. At that time, he was the second biggest winner besides the emperor. , he didn't know if he could still be a winner like he was many years ago.

It's just that the storm that time was obviously different from the one he was going to face this time, and he had more thoughts and worries in his heart.

When he returned to Prince Chu's mansion, he was already a little tired. This time, he went directly to Princess Chu's.

In the past few years, the relationship between him and Princess Chu can be said to be flat. For such a flat, Chu Wang feels very warm. At this age, he has lost interest in those violent storms and only wants to live in peace. day.

Princess Chu was still very indifferent to him, and she seldom cared about him on weekdays, but in King Chu's opinion, the current situation is already very good, at least she won't be ridiculed whenever she sees him.

As soon as the king of Chu came in, he sat down on the big chair in the center. Princess Chu saw that he was not in a good mood, so she asked Yixiu to bring over the ginseng soup that had been stewed earlier.

Seeing the bowl of ginseng soup, the king of Chu felt warm, and there was a faint smile in his eyes. He looked at Princess Chu and said, "I remember that you haven't made soup for me for a long time."

Concubine Chu said indifferently: "My lord has not been in a good spirit recently. Yuan Zhou said that you have a lot of things to do, so let me take care of you."

King Chu doesn't care whether Princess Chu's words are true or not, in his opinion, it's a good thing, even if Chu Yuanzhou let Princess Chu take care of him, it's good, at least his son knows how to care about him.

The King of Chu stretched out his hand and pressed the center of his brow lightly, and then said with a faint smile: "The court is not peaceful, and this king is also a little helpless. It's just that the matter has come to this point, and I want to find a suitable way."

Princess Chu sat down beside him and sighed softly.

The King of Chu saw the post on the little table, remembered Chu Tianqi's marriage, and said, "Is there anyone you like?"

Princess Chu didn't answer, she glanced at him and said, "I've also heard Yuan Zhou talk about some things recently, but I haven't understood those things very well, and I haven't tried to figure them out. I just have something to ask My lord, I don't know what my lord thinks."

"Ask." King Chu said after taking a sip of ginseng soup.

Concubine Chu said softly: "The current situation in the capital is unpredictable, and the future of the palace may also be unpredictable. At this time, every move of the Chu palace is likely to be concerned by the whole court."

King Chu nodded slightly and said, "That's right, but what does this have to do with Tianqi's marriage?"

"My lord usually thinks about big things, and he may not be too concerned about the marriage of these children. When Yuan Zhou married Qian'er, even though Qian'er came from a famous family, she was not a favored one before she left the court. It's just that in the eyes of other ministers in the court, I'm afraid they also feel that the Yunfu and the Chu Palace are somewhat related." Princess Chu said softly.

The King of Chu understood what Princess Chu was going to say, and he said indifferently: "If you don't say it, I don't care too much. That's right, there are many ministers in Beijing who rely on in-laws to stabilize their relationship. If Tianqi gets married at this time If you don't, the person you are marrying has a high family status, I'm afraid the emperor will have some ideas."

Regarding Princess Chu's thoughts, the King of Chu was also clear in his heart. Although he had selfish intentions, he was right.

(End of this chapter)

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