Chapter 1575 laugh it off

Early April was Mo Chou's birthday, Yun Qian went back to Yun Mansion to make a living for Mo Chou, when she arrived at Yun Mansion it was still early, Yun Jingyan was not in the mansion, so she went directly to Mo Chou's room.

Yun Qian saw that there was a cold atmosphere everywhere in the current Yun Mansion, and she met the second young master Yun Jian at the second gate.

The second young master, Yun Jian, has grown up now. When he saw Yun Qian, he saluted lightly, called Fifth Sister, and left.

Yunqian took a look at Yunjian and sighed softly. She and the brothers and sisters in the Yunfu were not considered intimate. After meeting, they just greeted and nodded.

When she was about to reach Mochou's room, she saw Liu Ying coming out of the room wiping her tears. Yun asked with a slight smile, "What's wrong with Auntie? Why are you crying so well?"

As soon as Liu Ying saw Yun Qian, she quickly wiped away her tears and said, "It's okay, I just got sand in my eyes."

After she finished speaking, she gave a salute and hurriedly retreated. Seeing the scene, Yun Qian just smiled and didn't stop Liu Ying from leaving.

After she went in, Mochou was sitting there drinking tea, she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Yun Qian approaching, and asked, "Qian'er, you're here!"

Yun Qian asked, "What happened just now? Why did Auntie come to mother's place to cry?"

Mo Chou said softly: "It's because of Yunluo's affairs. She said that Yunluo has been in the nunnery for three years and has suffered a lot. She wants me to send someone to bring her back."

Yunqian sighed softly and said, "Auntie is half as nice to Yunzheng as she is to Yunluo, and Yunzheng will be much happier when she thinks about it."

"That's not necessarily true." Mo Chou said softly: "If she treats Yunzheng the same as Yunluo, I'm afraid she will spoil Yunzheng's temperament like Yunluo's, always wanting things that don't belong to her, maybe It's really a good thing."

Yun Qian smiled slightly when she heard the words, and felt that what Mo Chou said made sense, but Yun Zheng's temperament was completely different from Yun Luo's, and no matter how much Liu Ying doted on her, they might not be the same.

Mo Chou sighed again and said, "In the past few years, I have been tossing a lot of things in Yunfu. Liu Ying may not say anything here, but she must be scolding me behind her back."

"Let her scold you!" Yun Qian said with a smile, "I think my mother is in such a good state now."

The mother and daughter smiled at each other, and there was a hint of helplessness in Mo Chou's eyes. "

Ever since Yunqian told Mo Chou to find a way to leave Yunfu three years ago, Mochou felt that Yunqian's proposal was reasonable, so her stay in Yunfu these years can be said to have made Yunfu uneasy.

A year ago, the old lady passed away. Although Mochou took care of the old lady's funeral affairs very properly, she did something that made Yun Jingyan very unhappy, that is, as soon as the old lady passed away, she dressed herself up Showing off her beautiful branches, her behavior, from the eyes of the people of Da Zhou, is unfilial.

Over the past few years, Yun Jingyan had taken in two concubines, and Mo Chou ignored those concubines. Once a concubine, who was favored by Yun Jingyan, ran to show off in front of Mo Chou, and the concubine The ostentatious Mo Chou at that time just laughed it off, and then Mo Chou found an opportunity to find out the fault of the concubine, and the concubine was naturally taken care of by Mo Chou, and then she gave the concubine to Yun Jingyan in front of Yun Jingyan. Resold, her practice is called no room for people.

(End of this chapter)

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