Chapter 1586 Asking to be divorced
Ever since Yun Qian touched Yun Jingyan's mouth three years ago, he has always been somewhat afraid of Yun Qian. Hearing what Yun Qian said, he gave Mo Chou a hard look and said, "You Really not a responsible person, really let me down!"

After hearing Yun Jingyan's words, Mo Chou said: "My master is very clear about how I train the servants in Lifu on weekdays. If there are so many people, if someone with ulterior motives sneaks into the Yunfu, what will I do?" Can you know?"

"You've got a lot of skill now, and you can't say it!" Yun Jingyan's eyes widened a little and he said, "Yunfu has been established for so many years, and there has never been such a thing! When Qiaohui was here before, the The Yun Mansion is well-organized, unlike you! Ever since you took charge of Zhongshui, the entire Yun Mansion has been filled with smog!"

"No such thing has ever happened." Mo Chou glanced at Yun Jingyan and said, "But the master said that I made the Yunfu a mess, but I don't accept it. Over the years, which matter in the Yunfu has I failed to deal with?" ?”

Mo Chou thought it was funny, if Su Qiaohui was really that good, if Yun Jingyan really cherished it, then when Su Qiaohui was seriously ill in bed, Yun Jingyan would not ignore it, and would not let Su Qiaohui live on her own off.

Comparing her with Su Qiaohui at this moment is really ridiculous.

It's really chilling to be as thin as Yun Jingyan.

Yun Jingyan thought about it for a while and suddenly became a little speechless. Although Mo Chou had made him feel a little unhappy all these years, if he insisted on talking about what Mo Chou did, there was nothing wrong with it.

He immediately said in a cold voice: "If you are careful in handling things, how can you have what happened today. What did you do when your mother passed away last year? You started to dress up before your mother's body was cold. How can you still be in your heart?" Have filial piety?"

When Mo Chou heard Yun Jingyan mention this matter all of a sudden, she immediately understood that Yun Jingyan was here to settle the account with her.

She said coldly: "So I am such a woman in the master's heart? If the master is so dissatisfied with me, he can divorce me!"

What she said seemed angry, but it fit Yun Jingyan's mind quite well, but he couldn't express it too clearly.

When Yun Qian heard the conversation between the two, her eyes suddenly darkened. Mo Chou had done so many things in the Yun Mansion over the years, and all she wanted was Yun Jingyan's abandonment.

In this dynasty, women can be divorced with seven rules, but there are three ways to protect women.

One of the three not to go is that if the woman has no support, and there is no one in her natal family, the man cannot rest.

Mo Chou came from the Su Mansion, and the Su Mansion had been confiscated three and a half years ago, and all the males in the family were dispatched to the border. Mo Chou's situation was one of the three.

In this case, unless the woman asks for a divorce, that is, a divorce, the man cannot give up.

It's just that in the Great Zhou Dynasty, it was a very embarrassing thing for a woman to be divorced. Even if it was a matter of reunion and separation, it was only for the sake of the woman's face. Therefore, in this dynasty, basically no woman would ask to be divorced.

If Mo Chou asked for a divorce for no reason in the past, Yun Jingyan might be suspicious, but in this situation, it is reasonable to be dismissed because of a mistake.

It's just that this matter still depends on the man's attitude, and there are some things that need to be grasped. Thinking about it this way, Yun Qian already has a calculation in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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