Chapter 1589 The best and the best
Yun Jingyan cast a slanting glance at Mo Chou and said, "Your mother's heart is extremely vicious, and she vowed not to give up in order to achieve her goal. Over the years, after holding the palm of the hand, she never did everything to the extreme. It’s because she was greedy for a lot of money, she doesn’t have the demeanor of being a housewife at all, and she is extremely disobedient, your grandma started to dress up not long after her death, if word of this gets out, I will be ashamed to be a man in the future!”

Ever since Yun Jingyan and Mo Chou quarreled, Yun Qian had heard Yun Jingyan say twice about Mo Chou's dressing up. Apart from the fact that Yun Jingyan cared a lot about this matter, there was nothing she could think of. Only Yun Jingyan is looking for trouble.

It's just that she also knows what Mo Chou has done in Yunfu these years, and what really upset Yun Jingyan is that Mo Chou sold out his concubine, which is a settlement with Mo Chou.

She glanced at Yun Jingyan and said, "Father is really generous, and he is not in a hurry when things happen. Now they are all gone in Yunfu. It doesn't matter if you don't send someone to look for them, but they are looking for them here." Mother's fault."

"Who said I didn't send someone to look for Dudu?" Yun Jingyan unconsciously raised his voice, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I would have sent someone to look for it a long time ago. How can such a thing happen if the servant is in charge? If she had trained the servant well over the years, she would have found it long ago!"

When Yun Qian heard Yun Jingyan's words, she felt even more amused. Did Yun Jingyan want to use all the tricks of shirking responsibility in the court at home?

She sneered and said: "Oh, just now my father said that he has gone to find someone. I think my father knows how to train people much better than my mother. Once my father's people go out, I think they will be able to find them all soon. No wonder my father always Come in and talk about mother's mistakes. In this way, we are all at ease, and we can just wait here in peace and wait for father's people to find them all!"

Yun Jingyan was a little dumbfounded when he heard Yun Qian's words. Originally, he just wanted to make Mo Chou worthless.He has already asked carefully about the kidnapping of Dudu today, and there is no flaw at all. Don't say that his people don't know how to investigate the case. I'm afraid it is impossible for the Minister of Criminal Affairs to investigate this case. Find out in a very short time.

His thoughts have to be said to be extremely selfish. When thinking about everything, he habitually shirks responsibility for himself first. At this time, he doesn't think about the safety of the capital at all.

He immediately said awkwardly: "Now the best time to find the capital has passed, I will go to find the capital in a while."

"In that case, the people in my father's hands have not been trained well." Yun Qian didn't give Yun Jing any face at all, and said this directly.

Yun Jingyan's face was also dull when he heard Yun Qian's words, but he couldn't speak directly to Yun Qian, but turned his head and said to Mo Chou: "Look at how you discipline your daughter, how dare you do this? Speak to your own biological father!"

After hearing what Yun Qian and Yun Jingyan said, Mo Chou also sighed softly. She felt contempt for Yun Jingyan from the bottom of her heart. She only scolded herself for being blind back then to fall in love with such a man!
She sneered and said: "Yes, my concubine doesn't know how to teach children, but I think the master is very good at teaching, so the eldest lady, the third lady and the fourth lady are all very outstanding."

(End of this chapter)

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