Chapter 1598
Ye Wuchen sighed and said: "Forget it, there is no need to hide it from you at this time."

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes deepened, and Ye Wuchen took a look at Yun Qian and finally said: "Earlier, Yun Chu brought the matter between me and Shi Zifei to me to make a fuss, and he once encouraged me to let me talk about it." I killed the Crown Princess, but I felt that the matter was over and those grievances should have been put down long ago, so I rejected his proposal, and he got angry with me at that time, but I ignored him."

When Chu Yuanzhou heard his words, he rolled his eyes at him, and his expression was a little embarrassed, but he continued: "When he came to see me last time, he thought I still missed the princess because I can't get it so I don't want to be cruel, I offered a poisonous plan in front of me at that time, but I still rejected it, presumably because of this, I became angry and wanted to force me to submit!"

Yun Chu's poisonous plan was actually to seduce Yun Qian. Ye Wuchen thought it was too absurd, so he refused at that time. Although he planned to tell the truth at this time, he still felt that he couldn't speak about it, so he concealed it by himself. After reading this paragraph, I just took it briefly.

Chu Yuanzhou said with some disdain: "You are more knowledgeable now, it's not that I look down on you and Yun Chu, even poisonous tricks can be used, I'm really not afraid at all."

Ye Wuchen smiled wryly, but didn't answer.

Yun Qian said softly: "If that's the case, it's okay. He has his purpose, and he will come to you if he wants to. Before his purpose is realized, he won't hurt Dudu."

"I hope so." Ye Wuchen sighed lightly, the meaning of worry was extremely obvious.

Yunzheng had completely calmed down at this time, she looked at Ye Wuchen and said: "My elder brother and I grew up together, and he was not the kind of ruthless person before. Although he likes fame and fortune, he is not too much. But since After Su Qiaohui died, he seemed to be a different person, I think that a person like him can do anything."

Ye Wuchen looked at her and said, "You don't have to worry too much. Although we are a little passive in this matter now, it's not like we don't have a chance."

Yunzheng nodded slightly, but with tears in his eyes, he said, "Well, I hope he can still have a little bit of humanity."

Looking at Yunzheng's appearance, Chu Yuanzhou sighed softly, and said in relief: "They are all so cute, but whoever captures him has a little humanity and will not hurt him."

Yunzheng wiped away tears again when she heard the words.

Yunqian gently took Yunzheng's hand and said, "We have searched the Yunfu all over today, and we have already been taken out of the Yunfu after thinking about it. Today, my mother reconciled with my father again. It doesn’t make much sense, but today we have to find the capital, so we might as well go to the palace, so that we can get the news as soon as possible, and then we can discuss how to deal with it.”

Yunzheng nodded slightly, and there was a trace of hesitation in Ye Wuchen's eyes, and he nodded slightly when he saw Yunzheng's eyes.

When the group arrived at the palace, it was already dark, and Chu Yuanzhou's hidden guards had already started searching the city, and they had already begun to report back.

"If you return to the son, there is no clue in the south of the city." The first group of hidden guards came back.

Chu Yuanzhou waved his hand and said, "Understood, keep searching, even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must find them all!"

The first batch of hidden guards retreated quickly after hearing the words.

(End of this chapter)

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