Chapter 1605 No news
Chu Yuanzhou handed over the letter directly, Yunqian frowned after seeing the words on it, and there was a touch of anger in his eyes.

Ye Wuchen and Yunzheng also saw the note, and their eyes changed.

Yun Qian said softly: "Yuan Zhou, we can't stand against them at this time."

Of course, Chu Yuanzhou knew this, he sneered and said: "You son of a bitch, how dare you threaten the master and tear you all to pieces!"

Hearing what he said, Yun Qian felt relieved and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Chu Yuanzhou blew his whistle lightly, and soon the leader of the secret guards landed beside him, and he coldly ordered: "Notice, change all open investigations into unannounced visits, let everyone pay attention to whereabouts, do not let People find that you are investigating this matter, but you can't relax a bit, you know?"

The leader of the hidden guards had a look of embarrassment in his eyes. Although they were dark guards, they had to show up when they were looking for someone, but they didn't let people find out. Did Chu Yuanzhou really regard them as invisible people?

It's just that Chu Yuanzhou asked them to do more difficult things. This matter seems to be difficult, but it's not too difficult.

The leader of the dark guards only hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly, and then rushed out very quickly.

Because of this arrangement, those black shadows scurrying around in the capital immediately disappeared, and only Chu Yi's Jingjiwei remained in the entire capital to patrol normally.

But as time passed, there was still no news about Dudu, and Yun Qian began to feel a little anxious.

Tonight was destined to be a sleepless night, Ye Wuchen fell asleep in the wing room of Prince Chu's mansion, said he slept, but he didn't fall asleep almost all night.

Yunqian was worried about Yunzheng and slept with her, but neither of them could fall asleep until it was almost dawn, and they fell asleep in a daze.

It was only when Yunqian's eyes were closed that she heard Yunzheng crying. She woke up suddenly, but saw that Yunzheng's face was full of tears. It was obviously a nightmare. She hugged Yunzheng in her arms and said : "Second sister, it's all right, don't worry."

Yunzheng wiped away tears and said: "I just dreamed that I was killed by someone, and I was covered in blood..."

The scene in the dream was so terrifying that she could no longer speak, her thin body trembling violently.

Yun Qian lightly patted Yunzheng on the back and said, "Second Sister, don't worry, it is said that dreams are life-death, and dreams are life-death. This dream is a good omen, and they will all return safely."

After hearing Yun Qian's words, Yunzheng calmed down slightly, looked at Yun Qian with some disbelief and said, "Really?"

"How have I ever lied to my second sister?" Yun Qian said with a slight smile.

Yunzheng breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, Shuxiu over there had been awakened, and hurriedly poured a cup of tea for Yunzheng.

Looking at Yunzheng's pale face, Shuxiu couldn't bear it, and in her heart scolded the person who took everything away.

After Yunzheng finished drinking tea, Yunqian said softly: "Second sister didn't sleep all night, so take a rest first, otherwise, if you look like this, if you all come back, you will feel distressed when you see it."

Yunzheng nodded lightly, Shuxiu stretched the quilt for Yunzheng, and then got up to make breakfast for everyone.

Yunzheng lay there but couldn't fall asleep no matter what, Yunqian sighed softly, but didn't speak, just watched by, but thought about many things in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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