Chapter 1608

Thinking of this, Yun Qian felt a little more at ease.

After Chu Mo came out of the palace, he felt a little tired. These days, he served in front of the emperor in undressed clothes. Seeing that the emperor's complexion was getting better day by day, he felt a little anxious, but also a little helpless.

The emperor seemed to have noticed something too. During these days, all diets were more tightly controlled, and he had no chance to do anything.

Concubine De has always been by the emperor's side, but now all the emperor's food and beverages are no longer in charge of Concubine De, but handed over to Eunuch Zhu. Before using it, the eunuch tried again and again, so Concubine De has nothing to do now .

What worried Chu Mo the most was that the head of the Imperial Hospital obtained some powdered pills for the emperor from Chu Yi, and the ingredients contained in it were indeed the antidote to restrain the chronic poison given to the emperor by Concubine De before.

Chu Mo was very surprised. For a while, he didn't know how Chu Yi obtained the medicine, and how did Chu Yi know that the emperor was poisoned?

Chu Mo met Chu Yi at the gate of the palace early this morning, and he tried a few words, but Chu Yi acted like a normal person, as if he knew nothing about the medicine.

Chu Mo couldn't show his anger and anger, and asked very cryptically. Chu Yi had a thousand-year-old face of ice, and he couldn't see more clues for a while, but he was more careful in his heart, and there was nothing wrong on his face. Show half.

Seeing Chu Mo like this, Chu Yi saw that he had nothing else to say, so he turned around and left.

Although Chu Mo felt that Chu Yi was much less threatening than Chu Shu, the threat was still there and he couldn't take it lightly.

Chu Mo looked at Chu Yi's back with deep eyes, without a trace of warmth.

As soon as Chu Mocai returned to Prince Ming's Mansion, he saw Ye Wuchen standing by the gate.

Seeing Ye Wuchen startled slightly, Chu Mo asked, "What's the matter?"

"Yes." Ye Wuchen answered briefly, with his head slightly lowered. This time he came to Chu Mo, he was not completely sure, but he told himself in his heart that no matter how sure he was, he had to try today.

Chu Mo nodded slightly, and took Ye Wuchen to the flower hall of the palace. Chu Mo was about to order his servants to watch tea, but Ye Wuchen said, "I came to see King Ming today to ask for something."

Chu Mo heard from his staff yesterday that they were all taken into captivity, but these days his energy is focused on the emperor and the throne, and he cares less about Ye Wuchen's affairs.

Seeing Ye Wuchen coming to the door like this at this time, he knew that Ye Wuchen was in a hurry this time, so he nodded slightly and said, "Did you come here for Dudu's affairs?"

Ye Wuchen originally thought that he didn't ask about this matter because he didn't know about it, but when he asked this question now, Ye Wuchen knew that Chu Mo knew about this matter, and his heart suddenly turned cold.

He has always felt that the biggest difference between Chu Mo and Chu Shu is that they have a more benevolent heart. After this incident, he felt that Chu Mo was the one who was selfish from the bottom of his heart.

It's just that he hid these thoughts very well, and he never showed any displeasure on his face. Instead, he pulled his robe and bowed down to Chu Mo.

Seeing this scene, Chu Mo couldn't help being startled, he hurriedly helped Ye Wuchen up and said, "There is no need to perform such a grand ceremony between you and me, if there is anything, you can just say it."

Ye Wuchen refused to get up, he looked at Chu Mo and said, "Only the prince can help me with this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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