Chapter 1612 Where is the hidden guard
Standing behind the corner of the wall, Chu Yi's eyes became darker. Early this morning, Lord Yunqian asked Chu Yuanzhou's dark guards to come to him and asked him to follow Ye Wuchen in case things changed.

He originally thought that Yun Qian was thinking too much, but when he saw Ye Wuchen being taken away by Yun Chu, he felt a little ashamed in his heart, unexpectedly, he was not as thoughtful as a woman.

Luo Fei whispered beside him: "My lord, do you want to chase?"

"Notify the others, martial law in the capital." Chu Yi ordered softly, and then rode his horse to chase the carriage.

Luo Fei was slightly startled when he saw Chu Yi's actions. He knew that Chu Yi was going to chase the carriage in person. He was worried in his heart. He hurriedly called the deputy general beside him, and the two followed Chu Yi secretly. behind.
Chu Yi followed the carriage to a yard, and soon more than ten carriages ran out of the yard, and then those carriages ran in different directions.

No matter how shrewd and careful Chu Yi is in his daily life, it is still impossible to recognize Ye Wuchen and Yun Chu in one of the dozens of identical carriages.

His eyes deepened, knowing what happened today, Yun Qian had thought of it, and Yun Chu probably thought of it a long time ago, making such an arrangement at this time meant that Yun Chu already knew that he was coming.

There was a murderous look in Chu Yi's eyes, but he felt that Yiyun Chu's IQ would never be able to think of these things no matter what.

It seems that the person behind Yunchu is still a powerful character.

Chu Yi blew his whistle immediately, and Luo Fei came over quickly. Chu Yi ordered softly: "Send someone to follow all the carriages, and if any one is lost, it will be dealt with by military law."

Luo Fei responded and retreated. Jingjiwei had been in a state of full martial law for the past few days. He gave an order to go down, and soon all the people took their positions and pursued with all their strength.

It's just that things changed very quickly. After those carriages arrived in a yard, more than ten carriages rushed out.

Those carriages all looked exactly the same, even Jing Jiwei, who was very good at investigating cases, was at a loss for a while.

When Chu Yi got the news, he was very angry. He has always acted very carefully, but this time he was calculated like this.

The only way out now is to send people to follow them with all their strength, but those carriages left the capital soon, and after leaving the capital, they scattered in all directions and ran in different directions. There were carriages on almost every road.

Chu Yi knew that it was impossible for his Jing Jiwei to chase after this situation, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Go to the concubine Shizi, and ask her to mobilize the hidden guards of the son to help."

Luo Fei quickly retreated, Chu Yi's brows were frowned.

After hearing Luo Fei's report, Yunqian stomped her feet secretly. If she had known that Yunchu would play this trick, she would have given Ye Wuchen a traceable pill before going out today, but the matter has come to an end. She also has no good ideas.

Chu Yuanzhou's hidden guard had never been mobilized before, so after hearing Luo Fei's words, she could only say: "I see, you step back first, and investigate the news first."

After Luo Fei left, Yunqian remembered Chu Yuanzhou's usual method of summoning the hidden guards, but he had never tried it after all. Qingqing saw her embarrassment and said softly: "The son has been sending a few hidden guards to secretly To protect the concubine, the concubine can call them out to try."

(End of this chapter)

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