Chapter 1614
Yunqian sighed softly when she heard Qingqing's words. Up to now, she was getting more and more worried about Dudu's affairs, but there was nothing she could do.

She said softly: "Now I can only ask for God's blessing, and everything will be safe."

Yunqian didn't believe in these things, but when Du Du's incident happened, she suddenly felt that she believed in ghosts and gods. There was no other reason, because this matter was beyond her ability. After all, she is just a woman raised in her boudoir.

She sighed softly, but felt that something was wrong with this matter, but she couldn't remember what was wrong for a while, and because of this thought, she became more and more anxious .

Yunzheng walked over slowly and said, "But there is news from Dudu?"

In just one night, Yunzheng lost a lot of weight and her eye sockets were sunken.

Yunqian saw Yunzheng's eyes full of expectation. Even if she didn't want to lie to Yunzheng, she felt that it would be cruel to tell the truth. She said softly: "There is no news yet. Second sister, don't worry. I have some clues. Early this morning, the eldest brother went to see the second brother-in-law, and this meeting took the second brother-in-law to nowhere."

Yunzheng was slightly startled and said, "Wouldn't you see Wuchen?"

"Second sister, don't worry. I think the elder brother called the second brother-in-law there because of coercion. If our people can follow and follow the clues, we should be able to find them all."

The worry in Yunzheng's eyes was even heavier, and she said softly: "You even mobilized the hidden guards just now, it's a bit tricky to think about it, but Fifth Sister, I beg you, if you can't find Dudu, you must make sure Wuchen's safety. If there is something wrong with Dudu, and something happens to Wuchen, I..."

She didn't say the following words, but Yunqian could already hear the meaning of her words.

Yunqian originally meant that she didn't want to lie to Yunzheng, so she told the truth, but she didn't expect that it would make Yunzheng more worried. She comforted softly: "I know, second sister, don't worry."

Yunzheng nodded slightly, but her small face looked even paler.

She has always felt that there is not much affection between her and Ye Wuchen, and she also feels that he is not important in her heart.

But after what happened in Dudu, she realized that Ye Wuchen's weight in her heart was far more important than she imagined!After she panicked yesterday, she realized that only in Ye Wuchen's arms could she feel so at ease.

Yesterday, he put his arms around her and said: "Zheng'er, they are all your sons, and they are also my sons. As long as I am alive, I will definitely not let him have trouble. You have to believe me."

At this moment, Yunzheng can still think of his real eyes, which are no longer indifferent as before, but full of worry.

At that moment, Yunzheng felt that she had been married to him for nearly four years, but she had never figured out her own thoughts. Maybe she still had that person in her heart, but now Ye Wuchen was in her heart. The position, no one can shake it.

At that moment, in Yunzheng's heart, Ye Wuchen really regarded Ye Wuchen as her husband, Dudu's father, and the man who could accompany her through the ups and downs of life.

Although she was thinking about Dudu in her heart at this time, she was also worried about Ye Wuchen.

(End of this chapter)

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