Chapter 1619

Ye Wuchen weighed it in his heart, and finally said: "Okay, I promise you."

"Cheer up." Chu Tianyou saw Ye Wuchen's face turn pale and blue, blue and white, his eyes full of forbearance, and he felt extremely happy in his heart.

And in his heart, he also looked down on Ye Wuchen, the number one son of the capital, now it seems that he is nothing more than mediocre.Before talking about how much she loves Yunqian, she and Chu Yuanzhou almost had a bloody fight, but now for the sake of her own son, she wants to push Yunqian out. The love between a man and a woman in this world is nothing more than that.

Chu Tianyou blew again on his fingertips which were so white that no trace of dust could be seen, then smiled and said to Ye Wuchen: "I was just joking with you, you don't have to take it seriously."

Although Ye Wuchen is not as decisive as Chu Yuanzhou, he is also a rare wise man in Dazhou. He has been proud all his life and has never been teased like this before.

Hearing Chu Tianyou's words right now, the veins on his forehead jumped up immediately.

When he said those words just now, he had gone through a battle between heaven and man in his heart, but Chu Tianyou actually said that he was joking with him, human life is at stake, can he make such a joke?

Just remembering that Chu Tianyou didn't really ask him to deal with Yun Qian, he was relieved again.

But Chu Tianyou said indifferently: "The fourth prince has been trapped in the clan mansion all this time, you should find a way to rescue him!"

It really is for this matter!Ye Wuchen said to himself in his heart.

Just because of this matter, Ye Wuchen felt a little more confident in his heart, and he said slowly: "This matter is not difficult."

Chu Tianyou glanced at Ye Wuchen, and Ye Wuchen said slowly: "The person who tied the bell is needed to untie the bell. The fourth prince entered the clan's mansion because of the seventh prince. As long as the seventh prince goes to the emperor and says it is a misunderstanding. , the Fourth Prince will be released."

"The Seventh Prince belongs to King Ming, so how could he obey my arrangement." Regarding this point, Chu Tianyou understood very well.

Ye Wuchen glanced at Chu Tianyou, with hesitation in his eyes, but finally said slowly: "It is true under normal circumstances, but there is another situation where he has to say it clearly."

Chu Tianyou's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and asked, "What's going on?"

Ye Wuchen said softly: "That day when the Seventh Prince was looking for the Fourth Prince, the sword in his hand was not real, and the so-called injury was just a fake."

"How is it possible?" Chu Tianyou said in shock, "That day I clearly saw that the Seventh Prince was covered in blood!"

Ye Wuchen's eyes were cold, and he said softly: "The blood that day was not the seventh prince's blood at all, it was sheep's blood."

Chu Tianyou's body trembled slightly, and he suddenly understood. He glanced at Ye Wuchen and said, "Ye Wuchen, I really didn't expect you to be deceitful."

Ye Wuchen coughed lightly and said, "Soldiers never tire of cheating."

There was a touch of disdain in Chu Tianyou's eyes, and he said again: "So the number one son of the capital is only mediocre."

Ye Wuchen didn't care about that false name at all, he just said slowly: "I wonder when will you let it all go?"

Chu Tianyou's eyes moved slightly, and he glanced at Ye Wuchen unhurriedly and said, "What's the hurry, when the matter is resolved, I will let them all go, how troublesome is it to raise a two-year-old child?" I am not happy to toss about things, why are you in a hurry?"

(End of this chapter)

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