Chapter 162
Princess Qionghua blinked her eyes and said: "Miss Yun Wu was stimulated by me and went crazy. If I let her go at this time, I'm afraid I won't be able to treat Yun in the future. Please help your young lady first. Rest in the wing, the doctor will be here soon."

The two exchanged a look and had to obey Princess Qionghua's arrangement.

Such a big commotion had already attracted Chu Mo and Chu Han. When they saw the three women who were still fine earlier, one was scalded by boiling water, the other went crazy, and the other was beaten beyond recognition. Seems like a good show was missed.

It's just that the situation of the battle made both of them feel weird. Ye Wuyan was scalded by the oil umbrella held up by Yun Qian, and the boiling water belonged to Su Rushi, who was beaten badly by the crazy Yun Qian. , and Yun Qian's madness was related to Su Rushi.

Anyone with a discerning eye will know what's going on at a glance, but it's just a jealous scene where three women compete for one man.

Chu Mo walked up to Chu Yuanzhou's side and patted him on the shoulder lightly, saying, "Your Majesty, I really have you. Three women beat you up like this!"

Chu Yuanzhou sighed lightly and said, "Qianqian's illness has recurred, I'm really worried."

His words made Chu Mo laugh and said: "In terms of status, reputation, and appearance, among the three ladies, it seems that Miss Yun Wu has the lowest status, the worst reputation, and the ugliest appearance. She is still a concubine. But looking far away now Zhou looks like he only cares about Miss Yunwu."

"Qianqian is the poison of my life." Chu Yuanzhou said affectionately: "She is the best in my heart. How good others are, what does it matter to me?"

Chu Mo was taken aback when he heard the words, but Chu Han pulled Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Your Majesty is really good at dealing with women. Walk around and teach me how to make women in the world fall in love with me."

"I really didn't expect the Seventh Prince to have such a hobby." Chu Yuanzhou blinked his eyes and said, "We are all men, so I will know all these things and talk about them."

The three laughed at each other.

The doctor came soon, and was the first to treat Ye Wuyan. She was burned badly, half of her face was burnt off a layer of skin. The doctor shook his head and said: "Although Miss Ye is not in danger of life, I am afraid that her face will be burnt." There will be a big scar on it."

Women love beauty, and Ye Wuyan was sober at first, but after hearing the doctor's words, she fainted from fright.

Ye Wuchen's body was originally suffering from the wind and cold, but now seeing his sister in such a state, his heart ached immediately, and when he heard the whole experience of the incident, his eyes immediately regretted and hated, if he could have done it earlier After getting out of the obsession with Yunqian, if he didn't come to participate in today's lake tour, Ye Wuyan wouldn't be like this if he thought about it.

He was sitting on the big carved chair, his eyes were gloomy, and his hands were clenched into fists. Even though Yun Qian didn't intend to burn Ye Wuyan's face today, this incident happened because of Yun Qian. Originally, because of Yunqian's refusal to marry, he felt a little bit of hatred towards Yunqian in his heart, but now with Ye Wuyan's incident, he became even more annoyed.

Princess Qionghua saw Ye Wuchen's face from the side, she originally wanted to comfort Ye Wuchen a few words, but at this moment, it seemed that no matter what comfort she offered, Ye Wuchen would not listen to it.

With her hands folded around her chest, she only walked to Ye Wuchen's side and patted his shoulder lightly, then walked out slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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