Chapter 1624 Worried
At this moment when Yunzheng mentioned it, Ye Wuchen felt a little pain again, but he was afraid that Yunzheng would be worried, so he hid his hands behind his back and said, "It's okay, it's just a scratch, they didn't touch me. "

Yunzheng heard that he knew that he was afraid that she would worry, she stood still and looked at him and said, "It's good that you can come back safely."

Ye Wuchen was slightly startled when he heard Yunzheng's words, and Yunzheng said softly: "I'm very worried that you were taken away today. It's best if you can come back safely. If you can't come back safely, we have nothing to do. Please be safe and sound. I can have no children, but I can't live without you."

Yunzheng's temperament has always been introverted, and she rarely speaks emotional words. Ye Wuchen was slightly startled when he heard her words, and a strong joy rose from the bottom of his heart.

The corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly, and for some reason, there was a sour feeling again.

He knows how precious Yunzheng is to everyone. He knows better than anyone else that he and Yunzheng have only been living in a lukewarm way for the past few years. I really didn't expect Yunzheng to say such words at this time.

He immediately understood that when he was taken away by Yunchu today, Yunzheng must have been extremely sad.

He said softly: "I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

Yunzheng sniffed lightly. At this time, the two of them were standing at the gate of Chu Palace. The red lantern hung high above the gate, emitting a gloomy brilliance, making her birthmarked face even redder. , and made her look even uglier.

But at this time, in Ye Wuchen's eyes, Yunzheng was the most beautiful woman in the world, he smiled lightly, stretched out his hand and gently pulled back the hair scattered on her forehead, and said softly: "I made you worry."

Yunzheng was originally emotional at this time, but now she couldn't help but threw herself into his arms when she heard his words, and said, "Do you you you know..."

She said three sentences in a row, you know, but she couldn't say a word

But Ye Wuchen could feel her emotions, and his eyes were slightly red. He put his chin against Yunzheng's hair and said, "I know you're worried about me, but Zhenger, I'm doing well now. Standing here, I will try my best to save them all, so you really don’t have to worry.”

Yunzheng choked up, wiped away the tears in her eyes, then slowly raised her head to look at Ye Wuchen and said: "I know that this time things are very dangerous, Wuchen, I don't ask for anything else now, just you It's fine if you can do well."

"Fool." Ye Wuchen touched Yunzheng's head lightly with his hand and said, "I'm here right here? You're just worrying about it."

Yunzheng lowered her head slightly when he said that, but he held her hand up and said, "Let's go home!"

Yunzheng sniffed her nose lightly, wiped away her tears and said, "Wuchen, if there is anything, don't hide it from me."

Ye Wuchen always knew that his wife was a smart one, but she talked a little less on weekdays, but she didn't expect that she had already seen some clues about today's incident.

He felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he said with relief: "There is really nothing, it's because you think too much."

Yunzheng obviously had some disbelief in her eyes when she heard the words, she said softly: "If nothing happened, why would you leave Chu Palace like this?"

Although she couldn't see through those major events, she could still see the anomalies in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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