Chapter 164 Make friends
When Princess Qionghua walked into Yunqian's wing, she smiled naturally, as if she had never been sad before.

However, to Princess Qionghua's surprise, Chu Yuanzhou was not in Yunqian's room. Huanyu and Shuxiu hurriedly saluted when they saw her come over. She nodded slightly, and the doctor began to feel Yunqian's pulse. After taking a pulse, he sighed and said: "Miss Yun Wu's insanity is indeed not very serious, and she needs to be taken care of in the future, and she must not be subjected to any stimulation."

Princess Qionghua originally thought that Yun Qian was pretending to be crazy, but she couldn't help being stunned for a moment when she heard the doctor's words, and couldn't help but feel sorry for Yun Qian in her heart. She ordered someone to follow the doctor to grab the medicine and then sat down beside Yun Qian's bed down.

After the doctor and all the maids left, Yun Qian's eyes opened, and Princess Qionghua couldn't help being startled, Yun Qian said with a smile: "Princess, don't be afraid, I will never hit you, let alone bite you." .”

Princess Qionghua could trust the doctor who treated Yun Qian's medical skills, and Yun Qian had no chance to bribe that doctor. The doctor said that Yun Qian was seriously ill, but Yun Qian's eyes were clear, and she didn't look ill at all. .

She couldn't help being slightly surprised: "What's the matter with your illness?"

"Pretending." Yun Qian looked at Princess Qionghua and said, "I'm not sick."

Princess Qionghua's eyes were also rounded, she pointed at Yunqian and said, "Qianqian, you are not good, you lied to me, do you know that I was almost scared to death by you just now."

She was telling the truth, Yunqian's appearance just now was indeed extremely scary, and she pretended to be very similar, and her amazing fighting power also shocked her. Su Rushi, who is good at martial arts, is not the opponent of Yunqian who is powerless. This thing is really interesting.

She somewhat understood why Chu Yuanzhou was attracted to Yun Qian. Such a woman is really a perfect match for Chu Yuanzhou.

The corner of Yunqian's mouth twitched slightly: "If I intend to deceive the princess, I won't be awake to talk to the princess at this time. I only want to deceive those who have bad intentions."

"Oh? This is your secret, why did you tell me?" Princess Qionghua raised her lips slightly and said, "Aren't you afraid that I will betray you? If I tell the Su family about your pretending to be crazy, you will have No small trouble."

"The princess won't do this, and I don't bother to do it." Yun Qian looked at Princess Qionghua firmly and said, "Although the princess and I are new to each other today, I know that the princess, like me, always wears a Zhang Mask is acting in front of people, I dare not guess why the princess did this, but I know that the princess must also have her own difficulties, she is not talented, and she wants to make friends with the princess."

After she came to this world, there weren't many people she could see clearly, and they were always calculating. She felt a little annoyed and wanted some help.

Princess Qionghua can be said to be notorious, but after such a contact today, she concluded that Princess Qionghua is actually a very smart woman.And the arrogance and wantonness in front of people is probably just a cover-up, which is very similar to Yun Qian.

Furthermore, although she is now engaged to Chu Yuanzhou, there is not a single good person in the Yunfu, and all these people outside the Yunfu are full of calculations against her. She needs an alliance, and at the right time, someone who can give her a hand.

Although Princess Qionghua's reputation is extremely bad, she is still a princess no matter what, and the emperor's most beloved little sister.

(End of this chapter)

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