Chapter 1645 Chain plan
Before Yunqian's carriage reached Shili City, someone stopped it halfway, Qingqing raised the curtain of the carriage and said, "Who is it?"

After the curtain of the car was opened, there was no one there, only a big stone was lying on the road. Yun Qian frowned slightly when she saw the stone.

Qingqing got off the carriage and moved the stone away, but saw a piece of paper under it. She checked carefully and saw that there was nothing wrong, so she brought the paper in front of Yunqian.

Yun Qian opened the letter, but saw that it said: "I won't go to Shilipo anymore, go to Xiliulin."

There was a chill in Yunqian's eyes, but he hesitated for a moment before saying, "Go to Xiliu Forest instead."

Xiliu Forest is in the northwest corner of the capital, about ten miles away from Shilipo.

Qingqing said softly: "Concubine Shizi, I'm afraid it's inappropriate to do this."

Of course Yunqian knew what Qingqing was referring to. Before they went out today, they were talking about Shilipo, and they went to Xiliulin. If Shuxiu went to the palace to pass the news, Chu Yuanzhou rushed over She went to Xiliulin when she was in the middle of the night, so if something happened to her, Chu Yuanzhou would not be able to come over in time.

It's just that if she doesn't go, according to Chu Tianyou's perverted mind, she might attack everyone, so she immediately said: "Let's go!"

Seeing her firm attitude, Qingqing couldn't say anything more, so she immediately said to the coachman, "Let's go!"

The carriage drove forward again for about eight miles, and it was almost at the willow forest, and the stones on the roadside blocked the way of everyone again.

When Qingqing saw those stones at this time, she felt a little angry, but she had no choice but to go down and move the stones away, but she saw that there was an impressive writing on it: "Arrive at Taoranting before noon, otherwise you will wait for the capital Collect all the corpses!"

Yunqian took a look at the note, with murderous intent in her eyes, Qingqing said angrily, "Is he playing tricks on us?"

"It's not playing tricks on us." Yun Qian said coldly, "It's because I don't want the prince to catch up."

If Chu Yuanzhou can't catch up, then he wants her life.

There was a strong coldness in Yunqian's eyes, Qingqing gritted her teeth and said: "Concubine Shizi, we can't be so passive, we won't go to that Taoranting, we'll go back to the palace!"

Yun Qian's eyes dimmed when she heard the words, and she said softly, "Go to Taoranting."

The coachman glanced at Yunqian and said, "Shi Zifei, Tao Ranting is still more than ten miles away from here. I'm afraid it's a little tight to arrive before noon!"

"Then you speed up and drive the car." Yun Qian gritted her teeth and said.

The coachman let out a long sigh, and had no choice but to wave the whip in his hand again. Fortunately, the horses in the palace had good foot strength, and the two horses were still running vigorously in such a hurry.

Yun Qian's mind was a little heavier, and she felt that there would be some changes when Taoranting was approaching.

Sure enough, everything was as she expected, and when she was two miles away from Taoranting, another pile of stones blocked the road.

Qingqing was angry in her heart, but she could only go down to move the stone, and then gave Yunqian the letter under the pressed stone, this time the letter read: "If you go to Mingyue Bay, if you don't arrive within an hour, you will die. Go alone, and none of the maids around you are allowed to take you with you."

Yunqian has never been so passive in her two lifetimes, but at this moment everything is beyond her control, she immediately said to Qingqing and Yuanyuan: "You are all waiting for me here, don't come with me."

(End of this chapter)

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