Chapter 1651
Chu Tianyou glanced at Yun Qian sideways again, but saw that her eyebrows were picturesque. When he hated her before, he had never looked at her seriously. He only knew that she was a beauty.

But at this moment, when I took a closer look, I felt that she was an out-and-out beauty, with slender willow-leaf eyebrows, big bright eyes, and fair skin like porcelain, leaning there so slightly tired, there was a kind of tenderness The beauty of a coward is completely different from the cold and vicious woman in his mind.

He couldn't help but his heart moved, if she could really cure that thing for him, he would be the first to sleep with her.

It's just that his body is disabled now, and it's impossible to sleep with her, but there are still some things that can be done.

Over the past few years, because he has been inhumane, he has developed many novel ways to play, no matter what kind of ways they are played, they can make her life worse than death.

Before Yun Qian came, Chu Tianyou had already thought clearly that he must put her to death, but how to die was up to him.

If time permits, he will torture her well. If Chu Yuanzhou finds her so quickly, he doesn't mind killing her right away.

It's just that looking at her at this time, his heart became lustful again, and he smiled coldly at Yunqian.

Yunqian was the most shrewd person in two lifetimes. Seeing his smile at this moment, she understood in her heart, but her face was still calm.

She is not afraid of Chu Tianyou approaching, but she is afraid that he will not approach. When he hit her outside just now, the reason why she did not make a move was because the two of them were surrounded by archers. Shoot into Ma Feng's nest.

Her eyes sank, and she turned her head to the side.
She knew that if she took the initiative to show affection to Chu Tianyou, then Chu Tianyou would definitely ignore her and stay away from her instead.And the more she ignored Chu Tianyou, the more she aroused Chu Tianyou's interest.

Sure enough, the disdain in Chu Tianyou's eyes intensified after seeing her appearance, he snorted coldly, and walked closer to her with a lewd smile.

Seeing his appearance, Yun Qian took a step back slowly. He seemed a little scared, and Chu Tianyou took another three steps closer to her.

Yun Qian said in her heart: "If you take three steps closer, I will kill you right away."

Seeing that Chu Tianyou's feet were raised again, and Yun Qian's hands had been clasped with a handful of medicine, at this moment, someone outside the room suddenly heard a loud voice: "Master, someone is looking for you."

"Who is looking for me?" Chu Tianyou's eyes were full of vigilance. No one said anything about his coming here. The feet that were walking forward also retracted.

Seeing his appearance, Yun Qian was a little disappointed, she really didn't expect to be interrupted at this time.

The person outside replied, "It's Yunchu."

Yun Qian's eyes were slightly startled, she really didn't expect Yun Chu to come here.

Only then did Chu Tianyou remember that last night Yun Chu had secretly sent a message asking him to go to Jingji Wei University to rescue him. He was in a bad mood at the time and didn't bother to care about these things. He didn't want Yun Chu to come here.

He remembered that some of the people in his hands were recruited by Chu Shuba, and Yun Chu was also from Chu Shu. It is not impossible to know the news about him here.

PS: I still have a fever, and I feel so dizzy that I can't write anymore. Today is only five more, please forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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