Chapter 1653 Look down on each other
Chu Tianyou's heart was full of displeasure. Although he was a concubine in the palace, he was much more noble than the concubine in Yun's mansion. This Yunchu really took himself seriously.

Yun Chu felt a little unhappy when he heard Chu Tianyou's words. Every time Chu Tianyou looked at him, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and there was clearly a bit of contempt in those eyes.

It's just that Chu Tianyou, a person without descendants, why look down on him, what the hell!
Yun Chu snorted softly and said, "Is it okay to ask? The fourth prince also said that we need to communicate with each other on weekdays."

Chu Shu did say these things, but Chu Tianyou didn't take them seriously. Hearing Yun Chu say these words now, he felt even more unhappy. From what Chu Tianyou heard, Yun Chu was taking Chu Shu Press him.

He immediately sneered and said: "You have been locked in the prison all this time, how can I communicate with you, I can handle this matter by myself, you go back!"

Yun Chu's eyes were full of disdain when he heard Chu Tianyou's words, he sat down on the big chair carelessly and said, "I came here from the capital, and you didn't even give me a drink of saliva, you just want to send me away like this Walk?"

There was a touch of anger in Chu Tianyou's eyes, he glanced at Yun Chu and said, "Come here, let's have some tea!"

Hearing this, Yun Chu immediately chuckled and said: "I have heard that the Feihua Courtyard of Prince Chu's Mansion is a good place, but I haven't come in to have a look. Today, I saw it. It really is a good place. The birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, although the flowers are about to wither now. , but still beautiful.”

Chu Tianyou glanced at him, and was about to interject when Yun Chu said with a smile: "Three years ago, I went outside the Feihua Bieyuan. At that time, I could see the pear trees full of snow-white blossoms. If there was no accident at that time, , I’m afraid they’ll all come in.”

Hearing what he said, Chu Tianyou didn't bother to answer his words, so he just listened casually.

But Yun Chu said again: "I came to kill Yun Qian and Chu Yuanzhou at that time, but those two were really fateful. At that time, Chu Yuanzhou was hunted down by so many people, and he survived. Yun Qian That bitch is even more deadly, and he can't even burn himself to death."

Chu Tianyou's eyes darkened when he heard this, he looked at Yun Chu and said, "You said you came here three years ago when the nunnery in Feihua Bieyuan caught fire?"

Chu Tianyou has been looking for the man in black who suddenly appeared that night for the past few years, but he was cut off from his descendants and fainted for a long time, so when he recovered and came to investigate, many clues had already been broken. I know that nine out of ten people who came to assassinate him that night were killed by Jing Jiwei, but I only heard that the leader escaped that night.

He wanted to seek revenge on the leader of that night, but after so many years, there was no news at all.

Hearing Yun Chu's words at this time, his heart beat faster, and his eyes on Yun Chu deepened.

Yun Chu nodded and said: "That's right, I wanted to take advantage of the chaos to kill Chu Yuanzhou and Yun Qian that night, but the other courtyard was too tightly guarded, and I didn't have a chance to come in. I really wasted a great opportunity."

Of course he would not tell Chu Tianyou that the reason he didn't enter Feihua Bieyuan that night was because he was afraid of the hidden guards in Feihua Bieyuan and knew that he couldn't get any better, so he left.

When he thought of the panic that night, he felt extremely uncomfortable, and he would never tell Chu Tianyou about it.

(End of this chapter)

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