Chapter 1660 He's Coming
After hearing Yun Qian's words, Chu Tianyou gritted his teeth and said, "How do I know if you will poison me to death!"

Yun Qian smiled and said: "As long as you don't get involved with me, I will definitely not poison you. No matter how this matter is calculated, you will not lose."

Chu Tianyou's eyes deepened, he snorted coldly, and then walked out with big strides.

Seeing him go out, Yunqian breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other side, Yun Chu had already shrunk into a ball, his body was already covered with a ball of blood, and where the ball of blood invaded, the skin on his body immediately turned into another ball of blood.

Yun Chu screamed in pain, but Yun Qian's eyes were full of frost.

This bottle of medicine was originally tailor-made for Chu Tianyou, but unexpectedly Chu Tianyou didn't come, but it was used on Yun Chu's body.

She didn't have any affection for Yun Chu at all. After knowing that Yun Chu's generals had been kidnapped last time, she completely wanted to kill Yun Chu.And this time Yun Chu bumped into her like this, and wanted to get her hands on her, how could she show mercy?
Her eyes were cold and merciless, and she had wanted to kill Yun Chu as early as three years ago, but she never had a good chance, and she didn't go to Yun Mansion many times, so she kept keeping Yun Chu in check. A little affection.

Unexpectedly, Yun Chu is not afraid of death, and even dares to fight her ideas!

Although she knew that doing this at this time would probably arouse Chu Tianyou's anger, and then shot her to death in a fit of anger, she did not expect her words to shock Chu Tianyou. That lifeline is very concerned.

When Yunqian watched Chu Tianyou close the door, her eyes deepened.

After Yun Chu rolled on the ground a few times, he didn't move at all. Yun Qian knew that he was dead.

The medicine she gave Yun Chu was the most tyrannical poison, that kind of poison would melt in water, that's why she chose to sprinkle the powder into Yun Chu's eyes, and the powder quickly melted Yun Chu completely Soon, there was only a puddle of water left on the ground.

It's just that the pool of water turned from Yun Chu's corpse is really shocking at this moment. Even though there is no smell of blood in it, it still has a very strong pungent smell.

It was only after Chu Tianyou went out that he thought of pulling Yun Chu's body out, so he asked the guards to look for the body. If he didn't want to go in, there was no Yun Chu's body in the room. The guard asked Yun Qian, "Where is Yun Chu's body?"

"There." Yun Qian pointed to the pool of pus.

The guard glanced at Yun Qian like a monster, then ran out, and told Chu Tianyou what he saw and what he said to Yun Qian.

Chu Tianyou was shocked when he heard the guard's words. He had seen the world, but he had never seen such a powerful and domineering poison. He just saw that Yun Chu's eyes were poisoned, but he didn't Unexpectedly, Yun Chu turned into a puddle of blood in just a cup of tea!
Although Yunqian plays with poisons on weekdays, she seldom uses poisons directly to harm people. In the past, no matter how anxious others provoked her, she never used such heavy methods. This time she hated Yunchu for being too poisonous, so she did Will use such a heavy method.

Although Chu Tianyou felt that Yun Chu deserved to die, but Yun Qian killed him in such a way, and in front of his face, without any trace, he didn't even see Yun Qian's unnecessary movements. This thing is obviously a little scary.

(End of this chapter)

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