Chapter 1662 Are All Alive
Chu Tianyou had this level of thought, and immediately smiled slightly and said, "Bring Ye Wuchen here."
Soon someone led Ye Wuchen over in strides. His eyes were cold, and he seemed to have lost a lot of weight. Because he was a scholar, he was not physically strong, but he always paid attention to his image.

But today's Ye Wuchen was only wearing a very ordinary blue cloth clothes, with a lot of dust on the clothes, looking a bit embarrassed.

He had obviously not shaved for a few days, and he looked suddenly several years older.Especially those eyes, because the eye sockets are sunken, the whole person looks a bit deep.

Ye Wuchen walked slowly through the only steps in front of the house, and finally stood still in front of Chu Tianyou.

Chu Tianyou glanced at him and said, "Have you thought of a way to make Yunqian and Chu Yuanzhou die?"

Ye Wuchen pursed his lips tightly, but did not make a sound.

Chu Tianyou frowned slightly. He glanced at Ye Wuchen with displeasure in his eyes, but he couldn't hold back and asked again: "Do you still want your son's life?"

Ye Wuchen restrained his mind when he heard the words, and said softly: "Of course I want to survive, so today I'm here to offer a way to get rid of Chu Yuanzhou and Yunqian."

"Very good, what can you do?" Chu Tianyou became interested at this moment.

Ye Wuchen's eyes were still light, and his eyes were complicated, he said slowly: "Before offering a solution, I need to know where everything is, whether he is alive or dead."

"You have the guts to negotiate terms with me!" Chu Tianyou's eyes were filled with displeasure.

Ye Wuchen gritted his teeth, and said in a very flat tone: "He has been missing for several days. I don't know any news about him these days, so I am naturally worried."

Chu Tianyou's eyes were full of disdain, and Ye Wuchen said slowly: "The kidnappers who have always kidnapped, even if they kidnap someone, will let the kidnapped family members know whether they are safe or not. Otherwise, how can we discuss those conditions? "

Chu Tianyou sneered and said: "The relationship between you and Chu Yuanzhou is not bad now, he has spent so much effort for your son, how do I know that after I know the news about you, will you turn around and come to kill me?" I."

"I just need to know that everything is life or death." Ye Wuchen couldn't hide the hatred in his eyes: "After listening to your arrangement that day, I have already torn face with King Ming, and now I am not Too many options."

"You still have the nerve to talk about that time!" Chu Tianyou said with a hint of unhappiness in his eyes: "That time I was almost not killed by you, the queen was furious, and she only scolded me for not being good at things!"

Ye Wuchen gritted his teeth and said: "I have already told you in detail, what happened that time was because you met me, so King Ming's heart was alerted, that's why there was such an arrangement, if you don't believe it , You can pinch the so-called scar on Chu Han's body, and you will know immediately whether it is true or not, you have only done half of the matter, how can you blame me like this now?"

After Chu Tianyou heard Ye Wuchen's words, he was also a little angry, but he also felt that Ye Wuchen's words were not unreasonable.Chu Mo was originally a suspicious and extremely cautious person, so he really wanted to do such a thing.

His eyes suddenly darkened, and he said coldly: "It's all because he's still alive."

(End of this chapter)

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