Chapter 1665 How to Remove
Chu Yuanzhou was indeed full of anger today. Although he didn't spend too much energy chasing here from Shiliting, he went around a lot and felt extremely unhappy.

It's just that the more unhappy he is, the calmer he is.

Chu Yuanzhou naturally thought of these things Ye Wuchen said, but Chu Yuanzhou knew Yun Qian's ability to use poison. At this time, Chu Tianyou might not get any benefit from dealing with her like this.But in his heart, he was worried whether Yun Qian would take out all the poison from her body when Chu Tianyou brought her captive here.

If there is no poison on Yunqian's body, then Yunqian is actually not much different from ordinary weak women.

He glanced at Ye Wuchen and said, "You seem to have thought of a good idea?"

Ye Wuchen sighed lightly, then spread his hands.

Chu Yuanzhou said with extreme disdain: "I said so much nonsense, but in the end I couldn't even fart. Ye Wuchen, are you kidding me?"

Ye Wuchen heard him swearing, his face was slightly embarrassed, but he said softly: "I don't dare to play the prince, but to tell the truth, if the matter has reached this point, if you don't make a move, you have to rescue Fifth Sister if you do. , I am afraid that the consequences will be unimaginable, and I am afraid that my life will be in danger."

"I'm going to say something ugly." Chu Yuanzhou glanced at Ye Wuchen and said, "It's all in the hands of that pervert Chu Tianyou. I'm afraid that you will die less and live more. In addition to yesterday's incident, you will also feel the same in your heart." It should be clear."

Ye Wuchen's eyes dimmed when he heard the words, and Chu Yuanzhou said again: "Qianqian took the risk because of your son this time, if she loses a hair, Ye can't, I will definitely move the Yefu to the flat land."

When Ye Wuchen heard his cold and harsh words, he didn't doubt the authenticity of Chu Yuanzhou's words.

Yun Qian is because if something happens, he will feel very sorry.

Ye Wuchen didn't speak, but Chu Yuanzhou squinted his eyes and said, "How did you come here today? Are you with Chu Tianyou? You came up with such a shameless way to lure Qianqian here Come on!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a stern look in his eyes, and then Chu Yuanzhou's big hand had already pinched Ye Wuchen's neck, he suddenly felt a little difficult to breathe, and his face suddenly flushed.

Ye Wuchen knew that if Chu Yuanzhou's strength increased a little, he would die immediately, so he struggled immediately and said, "I followed... Yunchu..."

After hearing Ye Wuchen's words, Chu Yuanzhou slowly let go of his hands, but still looked at him with a somewhat cold voice.

This is the first time that Ye Wuchen has felt such a strong killing intent when he grows up. He knows that if he reacted a little too late, or if he had a thought of harming Yunqian in his heart, Chu Yuanzhou might have directly strangled him just now. died.

He had heard before that as long as Chu Yuanzhou was on the battlefield, he would exist like a demon, killing people was like killing chickens.

Ye Wuchen even felt that if Chu Yuanzhou really wanted to kill him, he might be able to crush him to death, just like crushing an ant.

Ye Wuchen thought of Chu Yuanzhou's cold eyes, and there was still a bit of fear in his heart. He slowly walked in front of Chu Tianyou and said, "The prince has come, and I have already thought of how to get rid of him."

PS: I was diagnosed with pneumonia, and I will spend the next week in the hospital.The future update will still be at this time, it’s just that I’m sick like this, it’s even more impossible, I’m always looking at my physical condition, I count as much as I can write, try to keep updating!Thank you for your concern, the messages in the past few days have made me feel very warm, my broken body will gradually get better!

If you are waiting for the update, if you feel bored, I recommend my friend Yue Yiming's "The Evil Emperor's Beloved Wife: Arrogant Idiot Girl", she is always a fan of the author, and her writing is also wonderful!

(End of this chapter)

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