Chapter 1667

Chu Tianyou sneered and said, "You think highly of Chu Yuanzhou."

If he didn't want to know what kind of scheme Ye Wuchen had to kill Chu Yuanzhou, he wouldn't even want to hear what Ye Wuchen had to say.

Ye Wuchen didn't take his unhappiness into his heart at all, and immediately said unhurriedly: "Your soul-absorbing formation is also well placed, and if you deal with ordinary martial arts masters, you may still have some confidence, but for Xin Chuyuan It’s a bit like a child hitting a tiger with a fly swatter, and if the swatter fails, the tiger has already eaten the child.”

His analogy was not unpleasant, Chu Tianyou was also full of displeasure, but because he said the name of this formation, he glanced at him and said: "You have said so much, it is useless of."

Ye Wuchen smiled and said: "Useless methods are useless wherever you put them. To deal with Chu Yuanzhou, you either don't make a move, and if you do, you must kill him, otherwise you and I will die."

Although Chu Tianyou was a little unhappy hearing what Ye Wuchen said before, he had to admit that Ye Wuchen's words made sense.

His eyes deepened and he said: "You have said so much, now you can tell your way!"

Ye Wuchen said again: "My solution is to remove all of you..."

"Remove all!" Chu Tianyou's voice immediately became three points sharper, and then he put a knife on Ye Wuchen's neck and said: "Ye Wuchen, you suddenly appeared here today, could it be with Chu Yuanzhou? Come together!"

Ye Wuchen saw the cold knife, his eyes were still calm and calm, he said lightly: "If you think so, you can kill me now, as long as you kill me, I will kill you!" I can assure you that it is absolutely impossible for you to leave Feihua Bieyuan alive today."

Before he finished speaking, a guard rushed in and said, "Master, the four gates of the other courtyard are all surrounded by people, and our people cannot get out."

It turned out that Chu Tianyou also felt that the people brought today might not be able to kill Chu Yuanzhou, so he ordered people to take the token of the king of Chu to the Fengshan camp not far away to gather soldiers.

He felt that with Yunqian in his hand, as long as Chu Yuanzhou came to kill him today, he must be afraid in his heart. Even if he couldn't kill Chu Yuanzhou, he would definitely make Chu Yuanzhou dare not get too close, and then Then mobilize those soldiers and adopt crowd tactics, he doesn't believe that Chu Yuanzhou can kill so many people by himself.

No matter how good Chu Yuanzhou's martial arts are, there must be times when he gets tired, and that time is his chance.

It's just that he made such an arrangement an hour ago, but he didn't expect that those people didn't even leave the gate of Feihua Bieyuan. How can this not shock Chu Tianyou.

He immediately said angrily: "A bunch of trash!"

Anger surged in his heart, he raised his foot and kicked the guard away.

As a result, his plan had to make some changes.

He immediately glanced at Ye Wuchen, and the cold light in his eyes became stronger. An hour ago, Chu Yuanzhou's people arrived, and Ye Wuchen had just entered the mansion. If he had only doubted Ye Wuchen before, then It's all set now.

He thought again that although Ye Wuchen had not been close to Yunqian all these years, but because of this incident, he had gotten closer a lot, so... he snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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