Chapter 1671 Yun Qian's Wrath

Chu Tianyou glanced at Ye Wuchen and said, "When Chu Yuanzhou dies, I'll give it all back to you. When you get your son, I'll get what I want too."

Seeing that Ye Wuchen's face was not very good-looking, he immediately added: "Anyway, Chu Yuanzhou is guarding outside now, we can't get out, it doesn't matter whether we tell you or not."

There was also a trace of anger on Ye Wuchen's normally gentle face, he gritted his teeth and said, "Yes."

Chu Tianyou gave him a cold look, then strode out, and soon heard someone shouting outside: "Yun Qian is pregnant!"

Ye Wuchen sat in the room with a gloomy coldness in his eyes, but he sighed almost inaudibly, feeling someone was watching him, he turned his head, and saw Yun Qian standing at the door of the inner room, It's just that the door was surrounded by iron nets, so she couldn't get out.

When Ye Wuchen saw her somewhat cold eyes, there was a hint of shame in his eyes, even though he had no intention of harming her today, but she must have listened to what he and Chu Tianyou said just now, and felt a sense of guilt in her heart. I'm afraid it's already annoyed him a little.

It's just that Chu Tianyou was outside, so he couldn't say many things directly. Seeing her looking over like that, he also looked back slightly, his eyes light.

When Yunqian heard Ye Wuchen's voice in the room, she was still a little surprised, but when she heard his words, her eyes were a little chilly.

If all of this was Ye Wuchen's original intention, she could only say that such a Ye Wuchen disappointed her so much.

She originally thought that after experiencing so many things, Ye Wuchen would not do anything excessive, but he finally let him down.

And the reason why he did this, in Yun Qian's view, was that Ye Wuchen was worried about Dudu.

Ye Wuchen was right to be worried, but if he and Chu Tianyou harmed her, then she couldn't bear it.

It's just that when Ye Wuchen looked over at this time, her eyes were flat, with concern in her eyes. With just that one glance, she felt a little doubt in her heart, and then she looked at Ye Wuchen firmly again.

Ye Wuchen nodded slightly to her, and then gestured to silence her. He glanced at her, and said with his lips: "Don't worry, I will find a way to rescue you."

Yunqian saw his lips opening and closing, and saw a shadow outside the house crouching on the door frame. Originally, she couldn't find it, but the man was carrying the setting sun behind his back, and the setting sun stretched her shadow away.

Her eyes suddenly became darker, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she didn't speak, she was suspicious of him at this moment, she sneered: "Ye Wuchen, you are such a scum!"

She gritted her teeth a bit when she said this, Ye Wuchen couldn't tell whether she was really scolding him or fake scolding him, but he also knew that it was normal for her to scold him like this at this time, so he said softly: "I can't help it , I can't let everything go wrong, if everything goes wrong, your second sister won't be able to survive!"

"You don't mention my second sister in front of me!" Yun Qian said sharply, "If it wasn't for my second sister, I wouldn't care about your affairs, Ye Wuchen, you are really a scumbag." !"

Hearing her scolding, Ye Wuchen couldn't hold back, he bit his lips lightly and said: "I really didn't intend to harm you, if one day you become a mother, you will understand my difficulties! "

(End of this chapter)

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