Chapter 1673
After Ye Wuchen heard Chu Tianyou's words, there was a hint of horror in Ye Wuchen's eyes. He knew Yun Qian's methods. He had been wondering where Yun Chu was going before, but he had been poisoned by Yun Qian. water!

Ye Wuchen's eyes deepened, and he immediately understood why Chu Tianyou shut Yun Qian up in the room and did not dare to approach her.

But he quickly remembered that the outside of this room was full of firewood, and oil was obviously poured on it. If Chu Yuanzhou pushed too fast, Chu Tianyou might burn Yunqian to death.

There was a coldness in his eyes, and he began to think about how to take Yun Qian out safely.

Seeing the coldness in Ye Wuchen's eyes, Chu Tianyou said that he was frightened by Yunqian, and because Yunqian had heard the conversation between the two before, he felt that there was a real break between Ye Wuchen and Yunqian.

He said slowly: "This woman Yunqian is a bit scary when she goes crazy, stay away from her."

Ye Wuchen nodded lightly, followed him and took a step back.

Chu Tianyou immediately said again: "If Chu Yuanzhou comes later, it would be bad if Yun Qian yells in the room. Come here, fetch the ecstasy medicine, and put Yun Qian up for me first. "

Immediately after Chu Tianyou finished speaking, someone fetched a plate of ecstasy incense, and Chu Tianyou pulled Ye Wuchen out.

When Ye Wuchen walked to the door, he glanced at Yunqian, but Yunqian scolded inside: "Ye Wuchen, Chu Tianyou, you two are devoid of conscience, you will surely die a terrible death!"

When Chu Tianyou heard Yun Qian's scolding, he felt a little proud. He didn't like seeing Yun Qian's indifferent look the most. She was so angry that he was very happy to see her, but she said calmly : "I'd like to see how long you can scold, bitch, God will be on my side, and you will never see what you want to see in your life."

Yun Qian was still cursing in the room, but Chu Tianyou didn't even look at her, and closed the door tightly.

Soon, the scolding in the room weakened, and after a while, there was no sound inside.

Chu Tianyou smiled smugly, then turned his head and said to the guards beside him, "Drag Yunqian to the firewood room, and then spread firewood all over her body."

Ye Wuchen was stunned when he heard the words, turned his eyes slightly and asked, "What are you doing hiding her in the woodshed? She's too close here, I'm afraid Chu Yuanzhou will find out."

"You were very smart just now, but now you are stupid again." Chu Tianyou said with some pride: "She is in the firewood room, because she is close, so even if Chu Yuanzhou finds out, I can still save all the things here. Once the firewood is lit, no matter how high Chu Yuanzhou's martial arts are, he can't stop the raging fire."

He only said half of what he said. When he was doing these things, he thought a lot. There is also an iron fence outside the firewood room. As long as he presses the switch, both Chu Yuanzhou and Yun Qian will be trapped inside. in.

Then when the fire burns, the two of them can be burned to ashes.

Ye Wuchen nodded lightly when he heard the words, "It's still you who think carefully."

Chu Tianyou sized him up and said, "There's nothing to do with you here, so go back!"

How could Ye Wuchen leave now? He looked at Chu Tianyou and said, "Chu Yuanzhou is too powerful, and the number of people you brought today is limited..."

Before he could finish his words, several sharp arrows flew over and shot down some of Chu Tianyou's archers.

PS: The continuous high fever makes me a little confused. I have reached the limit of writing so much today. Thank you for your support and concern. What about the group!

(End of this chapter)

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