Chapter 1676
Ye Wuchen looked up and saw Chu Tianyou chopping off his own foot. At this moment, his face was less than an inch away from the pool of water.

He also saw the smoke coming from the bottom of Chu Tianyou's feet just now, and he broke out in a cold sweat from fright.If he had just fallen, if he had fallen a little further, he would have been melted by that puddle of water.

Seeing Chu Tianyou jump towards the door, he really hated Chu Tianyou in his heart, and immediately threw the dagger that Yun Qian gave him straight at Chu Tianyou.

Chu Tianyou was startled when he heard the wind behind him, turned his head and saw the sword, and immediately said angrily, "Ye Wuchen, do you still want Dudu's life?"

Before he could finish his words, the sword in Ye Wuchen's hand had already pierced Chu Tianyou's right arm, but Ye Wuchen's strength was not strong originally, so when he threw it, it only cut Chu Tianyou's hand. a hole.

Ye Wuchen's eyes were red, he gritted his teeth and said, "You will never let Dudu go!"

Chu Tianyou was slightly stunned, Ye Wuchen said loudly again: "You want to kill me right now, in your eyes, I have never seen a trace of mercy, you are just thinking about waiting for Chu Yuanzhou to die this time After it is in your hands, you are going to kill me as well!"

Chu Tianyou's eyes were ferocious, and there was a strong killing intent in those eyes, he gritted his teeth and said, "Ye Wuchen, you are the one who wanted to die, you can't blame me!"

Chu Tianyou originally wanted to rush out the door, and then press the switch in the room to burn Ye Wuchen and Yun Qian to death in the room.

It's just that he was irritated by Ye Wuchen at this time, and felt that if he didn't kill Ye Wuchen himself, it would be difficult to dispel the hatred in his heart.

Chu Tianyou knew martial arts, although at this time he had a wound on his hand and a broken leg, but relying on the sword in his hand and Ye Wuchen's inability to martial arts, he wanted to kill Ye Wuchen before pressing the trigger.

After Ye Wuchen saw Chu Tianyou's actions, he was shocked, and hurriedly dodged to avoid it.

In the past, it would have been impossible for Ye Wuchen to avoid Chu Tianyou's blow, but today Chu Tianyou was injured, and he was really angry at this time. Although the sword in his hand was swung fiercely, it was not as good as It was so accurate before, but Ye Wuchen avoided it just because of the deviation at that moment.

Ye Wuchen had never experienced such a dangerous thing in his life, his heart beat faster at the moment, but he told himself to stay calm, if he rushed out at this moment, the guards outside Chu Tianyou would probably shoot him dead immediately.

But if he stayed in the house all the time, even if he was not hacked to death by Chu Tianyou, he would be killed by the guards who heard the news.

When he was hesitating in his heart, he suddenly heard Yun Qian's voice: "Ye Wuchen, get out of the way!"

Ye Wuchen was originally kicked out by Yun Qian, and he was a little puzzled, but he felt that he was trading his life for Yun Qian's life today, as long as she could escape.It's just that when he faced such a dangerous situation just now, he still felt a little uncomfortable, but he also felt that she might have misunderstood him.

At this time Ye Wuchen heard Yunqian's cry, and was taken aback for a moment, but saw that Yunqian was holding a crossbow with three sharp arrows in his hand, and the arrows were pointing at Chu Tianyou.

Ye Wuchen has seen Yunqian in many ways, but this is the first time he has seen Yunqian who is so cold and murderous.

(End of this chapter)

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