Chapter 1679 How to Rescue
When Chu Yuanzhou heard Chu Tianyou's words, his eyes narrowed into a line, and a strong murderous aura poured out of him.

"Chu Yuanzhou, don't you love Yunqian very much? Even if you want to die with her today, it's impossible for her to die with Ye Wuchen, hahahaha!" Chu Tianyou said loudly again.

Chu Yuanzhou saw the movement in the room through layers of flames, and the coldness in his eyes became more intense. At this time, Chu Tianyou was like a madman, laughing loudly in the burning room.

There was more and more thick smoke in the room, Chu Tianyou finally choked on the smoke after laughing a few times, and coughed violently.

At the same time, Chu Yuanzhou saw several crossbow arrows stabbed on Chu Tianyou's body. Chu Tianyou's leg was cut off, and blood flowed all over the room. It's thicker.

Chu Tianyou's eyes could already shoot out fire. Originally, he wanted to kill Chu Tianyou with a single blow, but now he felt that it would be too cheap for him to let this pervert die like this.

Since Chu Tianyou put down all the iron fences, the side room where Yunqian and Ye Wuchen lived was also cut off, and Chu Yuanzhou couldn't see where Yunqian was from outside, so he immediately shouted: "Qianqian, are you there?"

Yun Qian was a little dizzy from being choked by the smoke, but she still heard Chu Yuanzhou's voice, and immediately covered her lips with a cloth and said, "I'm here!"

Chu Yuanzhou breathed a sigh of relief when he heard her answer, and immediately said sharply: "No matter what method you use, within half a quarter of an hour, I want you to put out the fire!"

The head of the dark guard responded lightly, and took a look at the blazing fire. He felt that what Chu Yuanzhou asked for this time might be difficult to achieve, but no matter whether it can be achieved, it must be achieved this time.

He has been with Chu Yuanzhou for many years. Before marrying Yun Qian, he had never seen that Chu Yuanzhou attached so much importance to any woman. Over the years, Chu Yuanzhou regarded Yun Qian as a treasure. Yuan Zhou even handed over all the secret guards in Beijing to Yun Qian Tiaoba, which is absolute trust and pampering.

The head of the dark guard let out a soft cry, and the surrounding guards rushed to carry water to put out the fire.

It's just that the fire is extremely intense at this time, even though the hidden guards have a lot of people and all of them are skilled in martial arts, the water brought in is just a drop in the bucket for this big fire. Dozens of barrels of water were poured down, but the fire was not even the slightest bit. no small.

The head of the dark guard couldn't help looking anxious, Chu Yuanzhou was about to jump there, he believed that if there were no iron fences to stop him, Chu Yuanzhou might have rushed into the fire to save people.

After Chu Tianyou coughed a few times, seeing Chu Yuanzhou's actions, his eyes were full of disdain, and he said with a strange smile: "In addition to putting a lot of dry firewood and kerosene in this room, I also put It is impossible for you to extinguish the fire with a layer of fire oil!"

Chu Yuanzhou was so angry that he poured his internal energy into the sword and tried his best to cut down the iron fence. Thanks to his superb internal energy, a hole was cut in the railroad fence. He was overjoyed at first, and then Strong anger arose.

Not to mention whether the iron fence can be cut down, even if it can be cut down, it will take a little time. With such a big fire, with Yun Qian inside, it may take less than half an hour to roast it into jerky.During these times, Chu Yuanzhou asked himself that he couldn't afford to wait at all, and he absolutely couldn't see what happened to Yun Qian!

(End of this chapter)

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