Chapter 1690 Finding Dudu
Chu Yuanzhou felt that although what happened this time was a disaster, it was not a bad thing. Anyway, the final result was good after all.

It's just that in Ye Wuchen's heart, he was still worried about Dudu, Chu Tianyou was dead now, even if he wanted to ask about Dudu's situation, it's not easy to ask now.

Even if he knew that the Queen was also involved in this incident, but the Queen is the Queen after all, and he has no evidence in his hand, so it is not easy to question him directly, because he has this layer of worry in his heart, and his eyes have always been a little dark .

Just when everyone was about to arrive in the capital, the head of the secret guard sent a message to Chu Yuanzhou, saying that they had found the capital.

Chu Yuanzhou originally wanted to tease Ye Wuchen, but when he saw his thin face and sunken eye sockets, he finally said calmly: "There is news from Dudu."

Ye Wuchen was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly looked at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "My lord, where are you all?"

"If you kneel down and kowtow to me ten times, I'll tell you." Chu Yuanzhou finally felt that Ye Wuchen couldn't just be cheap like this, so he was embarrassed, and wanted to see how Ye Wuchen, who had always been proud, would deal with this situation. thing.

Unexpectedly, Ye Wuchen knelt down to Chu Yuanzhou after hearing what Chu Yuanzhou said. Chu Yuanzhou's face, which was originally a little laughing, changed the smile on his face after seeing Ye Wuchen's actions. Put it away, and then grabbed him, Ye Wuchen looked up at him.

Chu Yuanzhou rolled his eyes at him and said: "The man has gold under his knees, Ye Wuchen, you are too spineless, if you tell you to kneel, you will really kneel, it is really stupid!"

"The son is going to be a father soon. After the son becomes a father, you can understand how I feel right now." Ye Wuchen looked at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Don't say kowtow to the son at this time, Even if it takes my life, I'm willing."

Chu Yuanzhou saw tears flashing in Ye Wuchen's eyes, and his eyes became darker. After he knew that he was going to do his father's work yesterday, the joy in his heart was still there. Seeing Ye Wuchen at this time He understood Wuchen's actions better than before.

He tilted his head slightly and said: "Okay, okay, anyway, I remember, you owe me a life, and you will definitely have to pay it back in the future."

Ye Wuchen grinned, but asked again: "If you dare to ask the prince, where are you all now?"

Chu Yuanzhou glanced at him and said: "According to the news, he is in the commoner alley at this time, should you pick him up yourself or my people will pick him up for you?"

"Now that Chu Tianyou and Yun Chu are both dead, and the prince helped me find the whereabouts of Dudu, I naturally don't dare to bother the prince anymore. I'll just pick it up myself." Ye Wuchen turned to Chu Yuanzhou He bowed lightly.

Chu Yuanzhou wanted to kowtow to him before he saw him, but he stopped him. At this time, Ye Wuchen still bowed to him. He felt that the scholars like Ye Wuchen were really annoying yesterday. .

He rolled his eyes immediately and said: "Okay, after you enter Beijing later, you can go find him yourself, I won't join in the fun."

If Ye Wuchen was not so excited at this time, he would have noticed the abnormality in Chu Yuanzhou's tone, but at this time Ye Wuchen was thinking about Dudu, so he would not look at Chu Yuanzhou's face, otherwise, He must be able to see the meaningful smile on the corner of Chu Yuanzhou's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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