Chapter 1693 The Wrath of the Far Boat

The corner of Chu Yuanzhou's mouth raised slightly after hearing Yun Qian's words, knowing that she had already expected that the key point of this matter was in the Huangzi Palace. He came back at this time, so he naturally wanted to enter the palace.

He nodded slightly towards him, and was about to stride out, but when he turned around, he saw King Chu standing there.

Chu Yuanzhou saw that the king of Chu was willing, and walked out without saying a word, but the king of Chu said loudly: "Wait a minute!"

Chu Yuanzhou frowned slightly, but the King of Chu said unhurriedly: "This time it's not just about you alone, it's about the entire Chu Palace. I will enter the palace with you."

Chu Yuanzhou was a little surprised when he heard King Chu's words, but then he tilted his head slightly and said, "This is indeed a matter of King Chu's residence, but why didn't you ask me, where did I go last night?"

"I don't need to know where you are going." The King of Chu said faintly, "I only know that what happened yesterday has nothing to do with you."

Chu Yuanzhou and the king of Chu have been arguing for many years. In front of outsiders, the father and son have always been of the same mind, but at home, no matter what the matter is, the two of them are at odds when dealing with those matters. Under the circumstances, the king of Chu had to scold Chu Yuanzhou a few words before going out to do business with him.

Chu Yuanzhou was also a little curious about King Chu's reaction, but said unhurriedly: "Before you go out with me, I think it is necessary for me to tell what happened yesterday."

The king of Chu glanced at Chu Yuanzhou and didn't speak, but his eyes seemed a little desolate.

Chu Tianyou also did not return last night, and the King of Chu knew that Chu Tianyou's disappearance must have something to do with Chu Yuanzhou.

Chu Yuanzhou looked at King Chu and said, "Yesterday, Chu Tianyou hijacked Qianqian, and I chased from Shilipo all the way to Feihua Bieyuan. If Qianqian hadn't been smart enough to sprinkle rice grains on the road, I'm afraid I might not be able to find her so quickly. .”

King Chu glanced at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "And then?"

"Then I was very angry. He used to use those methods against me, but this time he dared to treat Qianqian like this!" Chu Yuanzhou said in an extremely flat tone: "He wanted to set fire to Qianqian, but he burned himself in the end. died."

Although the King of Chu expected that Chu Yuanzhou would attack Chu Tianyou, he did not expect him to directly say that Chu Tianyou was dead. Although he was very disappointed with this bastard, Chu Tianyou was his son after all. News, shaking his body slightly, if he hadn't held on to the wall on one side, he might have fallen down.

Chu Yuanzhou said lightly: "I know you must say that I killed my own brother, and I think that I must have killed Chu Tianyou myself. Originally, I didn't want to explain anything about Chu Tianyou in front of you. I can think whatever I want. But today I still feel that the scapegoat is too big and I don’t need to bear it, so I decided to explain it.”

King Chu looked at Chu Yuanzhou with slightly red eyes.

Then Chu Yuanzhou said unhurriedly: "You have also heard about the disappearance before, and they were all kidnapped by Chu Tianyou. You don't need to make other speculations about this matter. You know a thing or two about Shu Shu getting close, but you never interfered, but what you didn't expect is that Chu Tianyou actually attacked a child like Du Du in order to get Chu Shu out of the clan's mansion."

(End of this chapter)

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