Chapter 1700 Elope Together

Yunzheng looked at the man and said, "If everything is as you said, why didn't you elope with me when you found out that I was engaged to the second son of Zheng Guogong's mansion, and let me be with such a dead man?" marriage?"

The man froze for a moment and said, "Didn't you marry that dead man?"

"I didn't marry the dead man, it was because Wuchen married me, but if Wuchen was not willing to marry me at that time, I would definitely have married into Zheng Guogong's mansion. I didn't know this news in Yunfu at that time, You are walking around in the capital, how could you not know the news?" Yunzheng gritted her teeth and asked, this matter has always been a thorn in Yunzheng's heart, and today she has this opportunity to ask, she really wants to know the answer.

What happened back then has always disturbed her. If Liu Ying and Yunluo had ulterior motives in hiding her from her back then, why didn't he warn her? Although she said those harsh words to him in Mingzhuang that day, if He wanted to come to her at that time, and he would find her as well.

Hearing Yunzheng's question, the man's eyes flickered involuntarily, his eyes felt a little uncomfortable, he coughed lightly and said: "I was in Mingzhuang that day, after you said those words to me, I felt sad Desperate, I have been hiding in the house all the time, so naturally I don’t know about that. If I knew at that time, I would definitely inform you.”

Yunzheng sighed softly when she heard the words, and said softly, "Really? So what have you been doing all these years?"

She believed his words a little bit, but she remembered that Yunqian had told her before that the man in front of her was living in teahouses, making a living by storytelling and spreading rumors.

In the past, Yunzheng had always been in Yunfu, and she saw few people. She would choose to believe most of what others said, but over the years, she has also experienced many things, and she has become more concerned about everything around her. For other thoughts, you can see things more clearly.

When she saw this man back then, she cherished his talent in her heart, thinking that he is a talented man who has read poetry and books alone, and there will be a day when he will become a man, so she will try her best to help him.

But when she saw him again this time, she no longer felt the throbbing in her heart that she had when she first saw him. In the past, it seemed to her that there were only twinkling eyes in her eyes, but now it looked like she was harboring evil intentions.

Yunzheng was innocent before, but not stupid. She didn't think too much about many things. When she saw this man again, she felt that something was different. The man who once occupied an extremely important position in her heart , now it seems that it is not as beautiful as she imagined.

So she must ask some questions, and now she can no longer leave him impulsively and innocently like before.

Hearing Yunzheng's question, the man's eyes flickered slightly and he replied: "I have been studying hard all these years, hoping that one day I will become famous, and then I will marry you back in a glorious manner."

If it was before, Yunzheng must have been moved when she heard his words, and felt that he had a deep affection for her, but hearing his words today, she felt something was wrong.

She looked at the man and said: "I am now the young lady of Yefu, a married woman, how can you marry me?"

(End of this chapter)

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