Chapter 1702 Liar Life
Ye Wuchen felt that if he insisted that there should be a relationship between him and Yunzheng, it was because they had been together for a long time and had already gotten used to each other's existence. If she disappeared, he would feel a little worried and sad.

However, the emotion welling up in his heart at this moment is definitely not what he thought it was. The worry and tension in his heart are more serious than that of Yun Qian back then. At this moment, he finally understands that all these years have been like water The days had already instilled affection in his heart.

And he has already had a deep affection for Yunzheng because of the accumulation of these days.

Ye Wuchen sighed softly, feeling somewhat regretful in his heart, how late he was to discover his feelings for Yunzheng today?
The man looked at Yunzheng and said: "You also know that I was born in a poor family. I am just a scholar from a poor family. I don't have much money. If you stay with me like this, I'm afraid it will make you live a hard life. And now you are in I have lived in the Ye Mansion for four years, so I should have some valuable things in my hand. With these valuable things, we will sell them when the time comes, and find a house in the countryside, and we can live a lifetime without any worries."

When Yunzheng heard the man's words, her eyes were full of disbelief, and she said softly: "Xue Xinyi, don't you want to take the exam again?"

Xue Xinyi was that man's name, and Yunzheng rarely called him with his first and last name like this on weekdays.

At this time Yunzheng yelled like this, she just felt that the person in front of her was so strange.

Xue Xinyi looked at Yunzheng firmly and said: "Zhenger, I have suffered a lot in the capital these years, and I have seen all the warmth and coldness of the world. Although those fame seem good, they are vain after all. , as long as you are by my side, I am not afraid of anything, and I don’t want anything."

If Yunzheng, who still had some romantic thoughts in the past, heard his words, she would be a little moved in her heart, and would feel that he was the man who loved her the most in this world.

But these years of wind and rain, Yunzheng has already seen through human nature. After hearing Xue Xinyi's words at this time, she only felt a little funny. She knew that Xue Xinyi said to her like this because she wanted to eat her soft food, and was afraid that she would come to support him. .

She looked at him again, but saw that he was no longer as honest as she remembered, with a greedy expression clearly in his eyes.

She was skeptical about Yun Qian's description of Xue Xinyi before, and felt that he was most likely driven to a dead end to do such a thing, but looking at it now, it completely changed her taste.

It's not that she can't live a hard life, but she despises men who want to eat soft food.

And he instigated her to go to Yefu to get things. He said it was to get things, but in fact it was stealing. A man who has read sage books for more than ten years actually instigated a woman to steal things. In Yunzheng's view, it is really against the law. The way of sages.

And not long ago, Yunzheng had heard a rumor: there are a group of men in Beijing who specialize in hooking up with the ladies and maids of rich families, often go to rich families to cheat money and sex, and have also staged private leftovers, and In the end, the women were all cheated, and then all the belongings in their hands were taken away by those men, and the women were left behind.

Not long ago, a maid in Zhang Ge's old mansion made such a mistake, stole things from the master's house, and then was tricked to a secluded place, and then strangled to death.

(End of this chapter)

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