Chapter 1722 Planning a Marriage
"Opportunities are created by people." Chu Tianqi said slowly: "If the Empress wants to find his fault, how can she not find it at all? Besides, there is the entire Lan Mansion behind the Empress. "

The queen glanced at Chu Tianqi. The queen was uncomfortable hearing what Chu Tianqi said. She always felt that Chu Tianqi was plotting against her.

And a woman can think of so many things in the court, this woman is really not easy, no wonder she can live under Yun Qian's nose for so long.

The queen thought so in her heart, but she didn't show anything on her face. She slightly stretched out her hand, wearing a delicate armor, and said unhurriedly after making a dignified gesture: "Lan Mansion has long since faded out of court. Now, I will no longer care about the affairs of the court."

Chu Tianqi was slightly taken aback when she heard the Queen's words. The Lan House seems to have no real power these years, but no one knows that the Lan House occupies an important position among the officials in the court. Most of them were the retainers of Lan Mansion.

The emperor has been dissatisfied with the empress over the years, but he has never moved the empress, and let her sit firmly in the empress position. The emperor is concerned about the Lan family, so he let her continue to be empress.

Chu Tianqi still knows about these twists and turns. In the past few years, although she seems to have been staying in the Buddhist hall to pay respects to the Buddha, she has always been concerned about the affairs of the court. Although Chu Tianyou's position in the Ministry of Justice is not high, But he is still quite clear about the affairs of the court.

Chu Tianqi often pestered Chu Tianyou to tell her about the affairs of the court, and as time passed, Chu Tianqi naturally had her own views and opinions on the affairs of the court. In many cases, it is even clearer than Chu Tianyou.

Chu Tianqi glanced at the queen, seeing her eyes as deep as the sea, she was afraid that the calmness on her face was just a fake.She still remembered that day when she told the queen about dealing with Chu Mo in Chu Palace, the queen was also indifferent.

But afterwards, the queen put the whole thing into action, which proved that in the queen's heart, many things were not as they appeared on the surface.

And that's all she could say. She was looking forward to how the Queen would deal with Yunfu.

So she said slowly: "The empress is right."

The queen originally thought that she would say something more, at least she had to tell her about revenge again, but she didn't expect that she would reveal it so lightly, without saying a word.

The queen couldn't help but take another look at Chu Tianqi, if Chu Tianqi was a man, she might be a big one, but it's a pity that she is a daughter.

It's just that the queen suddenly remembered one thing. Chu Shu is now 25. Although she has a side concubine by her side, it's just that the side concubine's family background is not good, and there is not much help.

In the queen's heart before, she always looked down on Chu Tianqi, thinking that she was just a concubine, and even if Chu Shu married her, she would not have much face.

It's just that after seeing Chu Tianqi's knowledge, the queen changed her mind again. If Chu Shu had such a smart wife to help her, it would save a lot of trouble.And behind Chu Tianqi is the Chu Palace, as long as she plans to tie Chu Tianqi and the Chu Palace together, she will not believe that the Chu King will not help Chu Shu!

(End of this chapter)

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