Chapter 1724 Discussion has been decided
Chu Tianqi looked at the queen's radiant eyes, and couldn't help being startled. For some reason, a sense of fear rose from the bottom of her heart.

It's just that Chu Tianqi felt that she would never accept her fate and let Princess Chu arrange a marriage for her, and all these years, the King of Chu has paid attention to Princess Chu's doting on her, as long as Princess Chu said a word , King Chu will definitely obey Princess Chu's arrangement.

And she could use Lu Zhu's matter to dispel King Chu's thoughts that time, so King Chu will bring it up again in the future, and it is impossible for her to use that method again and again.

Besides, she is absolutely going to get married, and it is impossible to stay in Chu Palace forever.

Since everyone wants to marry, why not marry someone who is powerful and powerful?As long as she has power, it will be easier to deal with Hui Yunqian and Chu Yuanzhou.

When Chu Tianqi thought about it, she turned her heart away, lowered her head slightly and said, "I'm going to have to worry about the marriage of the minister's daughter, the empress."

When she said that, she agreed.

The queen was very satisfied with her performance, and immediately put a green bracelet on Chu Tianqi's hand and said: "You are really a sensible child, I really like you more and more."

Chu Tianqi just lowered her head slightly, she looked very embarrassed, but what the queen didn't see was that there was no shyness in her slightly lowered eyes, some were just intense calculation.

After Chu Tianqi left, the queen sat there thinking slightly, her eyes were full of chills, in fact, the queen had already had such calculations in her heart about what Chu Tianqi said today, but she never said it out. .

The queen said coldly: "Yun Fu, Yun Qian, Chu Mo, Yun Yan, very good, this time I would like to see what choices you all make."

The queen's finger tapped the back of the chair lightly. The reason why she sent someone to assassinate Chu Mo before was because she wanted to plant a thorn in the emperor's heart for Chu Yuanzhou.

As long as Chu Mo was injured and fell down, it would be much easier to deal with Chu Mo's people.

The palace of Prince Ming was full of gloom and mist, and Yunyan had been serving Chu Mo by the bed. At this time, his body was wrapped in gauze, and he looked extremely weak. After nightfall, Chu Mo had already woken up.

Yun Yan hurriedly called the doctor, and the doctor took Chu Mo's pulse and said, "Master Ming just suffered a traumatic injury, and he will be fine when he wakes up now. As long as he has a good birth, he will recover in a short time."

After Yun Yan thanked the doctor, she rolled up the quilt for Chu Mo. Chu Mo looked at Yun Yan with complicated eyes, and Yun Yan asked softly, "Would your lord want to eat something?"

Chu Mo said softly: "Go and make me wine glutinous rice balls, I want the kind you make yourself."

Yun Yan used to make wine balls made by Chu Mo, and Chu Mo has always liked them very much. When she heard what Chu Mo said, she was overjoyed, and hurriedly said, "I'll make them right now."

Chu Mo's eyes fell on Yun Yan who was standing aside, and he said coldly: "Why did you come out? Didn't this king say that you would not take a step out of the hospital without my permission? Get out!"

Yun Yan originally wanted to say a few words in front of Chu Mo, but she didn't expect that Chu Mo didn't give her any face at all, and just let her go. No, it was a very normal thing for Chu Mo to say that about her.

(End of this chapter)

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